Should have named it...
"Roy Scheider vs. The World's Dumbest Criminals."
It didn't make any sense. If they had any brains they wouldn't have put up with Scheider showing up at their places of business and causing trouble, particularly Raimy's, where he physically attacks Raimy and then tells Raimy to show up at his workplace late at night alone and Raimy actually does it after Scheider slapped him around?!? Why?!? Why would these guys put up with this stuff from a guy they have by the balls? They wouldn't. All the power was in their hands, but because the movie is one of these titilating Death Wish style fantasies of one good man walking on the wild side and taking out all of the underclass scum that were so popular in the '80s, he gets to walk in not knowing what he's doing and walk all over them.