MovieChat Forums > 52 Pick-Up (1986) Discussion > Greatest movie endings??? (Future Spoil...

Greatest movie endings??? (Future Spoiler Alert))

The ending of this little known gem of a movie is fun and greatly spectacular. The only other one I can think of that is comparable is a Rutger Hauer movie from the 80's called "Wanted: Dead Or Alive." Gene Simmons plays an extra-psychotic terrorist who leads Nick Randall on a particularly deadly hunt which also takes the life of Nick's best friend. When he is finally captured, Rutger forcibly crams a grenade into his mouth and leads him out of the building by the pull pin. As he is turning him over to the authorities Nick says what few words he has to say. He then grasps Gene Simmons jaw and stares into his eyes and Rutger's boss says "And where should I send the bonus?". To which Rutger replies "The bonus. F^*k the bonus." and pulls the pin on the grenade. You see Gene standing for a couple of seconds totally freaking before the explosion which only leaves his lower extremities remaining to fall over.

Of course we all know that eventually the grenade would be detonated but it still became a great ending.

Anyone out there know of any other movies with particularly great endings that I might not know of. I would greatly welcome any input as I particularly like the "Screw You bad guys" kinda endings!!


Watch The Mechanic (1972).


Right about Bronson's The Mechanic!

Carpe Noctem!


Bronson in "10 to Midnight".
