MovieChat Forums > Crocodile Dundee (1986) Discussion > Are you gonna talk all night or are you ...

Are you gonna talk all night or are you going to "screw" one of them?

I noticed on the version I'm watching the pimp clearly says "f##k". But it was dubbed. I sort of remember it being the F version. Is this right or a I imagining it?

This version does have other "vulgar" parts like the F word for homosexuals as well as him grabbing a transvesttite by the balls, so I don't think its as edited as other versions.


You are not mistaken. When I first saw this film in theaters back in 1986, the F-word was used but once it was edited for TV it's obvious that the pimp doesn't say that, even tho his mouth looks otherwise.


It's such a shame, the strong language warranted him punching the guy, but "screw" isn't that offensive.


the strong language warranted him punching the guy, but "screw" isn't that offensive.

Tell that to Rosie Perez in White Men Can't Jump.

There are maybe five beings I hope I never have to fight and J'onn Jonzz is one of them. - Superman


When he runs into the pimp later in the movie, the pimp does use the F word. At the time the unwritten rule for a PG-13 rating was that multiple instances of the F word would bump the rating to an R. So I wonder if the first overdub wasn't to ensure a PG-13 rating and thus a wider audience? Script-wise it would have made more sense to drop an F bomb in the first scene and do the overdub in the second. Not sure why they did it the way they did.


Something I am surprised didn't push it up to R is the scene where the guy in the club snorts cocaine.


The Australian version he uses the f word it was dubbed in other regions
