The Best of Friends, The Worst of Times
Anyone remember that episode? Where David runs into Rich at the hospital and finds out Rich is dying of AIDS? I remember that episode being really touching and pretty daring for television in 1990.
shareAnyone remember that episode? Where David runs into Rich at the hospital and finds out Rich is dying of AIDS? I remember that episode being really touching and pretty daring for television in 1990.
shareYes, it's one of my most favorite eppis. The first time I felt like crying watching a sitcom.
shareThat was one of the best episodes on this show...great performance from Jason Bateman.
shareI am sorry to say but I cannot remember watching this episode because it has been so long since I have seen this show. When it was aired on ABC Family it was like they mixed things up a little. ABC Family showed a little bit of Valerie and then Hogan Family and then removed it to replace it with Boy Meets World. ABC Family put it back on and show all of the shows from when it first came on until the end please!
shareEven though they didn't show some of the general AIDS symptoms as they really were or clarify on the length of time between David finding out and Rich dying, I still choked up when David talked to the high school auditorium after Rich had passed away that morning. Good episode.