Just watched pilot

I haven't seen this show since I was 12 and it was new. I decided to watch it again after noticing i still have the comic book and had forgotten all about sledge hammer. I thought the material was still funny, it's too bad the show didn't last longer. I don't know if you could make a show like this today, police brutality jokes might not go over so well anymore. It was nice re-discovering sledge. I saw another poster say the show wasn't funny, i disagree.


Welcome back to SLEDGE HAMMER!


Wait a minute... who am I here?


I find the show funnier now than when I originally watched it.
Many of the jokes went over my head then but now understand them better.

Yeah it's a "dated" show definitely as are many of the jokes...but they are still funny.

I brought both seasons on DVD a few years back and still pop them in on a regular basis just to watch an episode or two.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


Ant @ The Ant Farm (http://antfarm.ma.cx) and Ant's Quality Foraged Links (http://aqfl.net).


I don't know if you could make a show like this today, police brutality jokes might not go over so well anymore.

Unfortunately, the politically-correct Democrats would do their best to shut down the series. In the mind of a typical Democrat, you only have the right to watch television shows that conform with their liberal ideology.

Pants up, don't loot.


I'm a Democrat and I loved this show.

"This year I'm voting Republican. The Democrats left a bad taste in my mouth."
-Monica Lewinsky



In the mind of a typical Democrat, you only have the right to watch television shows that conform with their liberal ideology.

not counting Faux News
