Blame 'Sex and the City'...

Regarding the recent episode where Oprah had on the 5 women who tested positive for HIV from simultaneously sleeping (unknowingly) with the same sociopath:

I kept getting a strong "Sex and the City" vibe while watching this episode -- maybe because all of the women were far too old to be making incredibly horrible choices usually reserved for younger, naive, and inexperienced women.

I kept thinking, "What in the world has suddenly influenced middle-aged and even senior woman to be so careless about their own bodies and to treat the sex act in almost 'fairy-tale' like fashion, thinking that as long as the man is virile, charming, and holds doors open that nothing could possibly go wrong?"

Garbage like "Sex and the City", where flouncing into bed with strange men is made to seem chic, sophisticated, and completely without consequence is helping to warp the minds of so many women -- even woman who are far too old not to know better.

It's amazing to me that so many women use "Sex and the City" as a template for how they should conduct their own lives. Too many, I bet, are eagerly awaiting the release of the next movie.

I think the world has gone mad.

Room for one more, honey.


I missed that show, but a friend told me bits of it. Did Oprah take them to task for being careless about who they were sleeping with and not using protection? I agree with you. It's ridiculous for anybody to make horrible choices like that, but a middle aged/older person should definitely know better.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


Oprah didn't really take them to task (although an audience member finally did), but what Oprah did do -- and this was smart -- was ask if, looking back, there were any "red flags" along the way. I could completely understand why Oprah was asking this: she was trying to benefit viewers so that they could learn from these women and not become victims themselves.

Oprah had to ask this very important question over and over, and never really got a satisfying answer from any of the women (although one woman did do better than the others by stating that the guy didn't believe in God and that he hated his mother). I think the women could have really dug deep and answered that "red flag" question in such a way that it could have been turned into a really profound "teachable moment", but they didn't make the most of the opportunity.

Overall, they didn't seem to really fully understand how they ended up in their predicaments. Once again, heinous so-called "entertainment" such as "Sex and the City" seems to have put a spell over a segment of society, leaving them kind of dazed and not fully able to connect the dots ("Gee, I just did what Carrie would have done -- and has done repeatedly -- but this never happened to her...")

Room for one more, honey.


Ugh lots of people do not believe in a god, yet were not harming anyone.


If you hate Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


"Ugh lots of people do not believe in a god, yet were not harming anyone.


Agreed. I hate when people act like athiests/agnostics have no moral code just because they don't believe in God. That's so dumb.

Did the woman say why the guy hated his mom, LaZboyfriend?

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


Wow, OP. Way to blame a TV show rather than the women and the man themselves for not protecting themselves. What flim flam.


I stand by my opinion.

Of course these women are responsible for their actions. I still maintain, however, that movies, television shows, magazines, song lyrics, etc., which get hammered into our consciousness from all directions, have the power to influence people's thoughts, beliefs, and even actions -- particularly the weak-minded.

TV shows like "Sex and the City" are warping our culture. Since that show debuted, I have said to myself repeatedly, "If women were to behave like that in REAL life, they'd be riddled with disease."

Well, here, unfortunately, is the confirmation of that...

Room for one more, honey.


I did not see the episode of Oprah to which you are referring but if those women were indeed coerced by the glamour of SATC then they're morons. It's a great show about friendship and women, in my opinion.

I watched every episode of SATC and have every season on DVD. I'm 28 years old, and I'm single, and the show did not make me suddenly desire to go bed hopping with bad men and not use protection.

Are you, LaZboyfriend, of the impression that sex is something that should be cherished and should be saved for marriage or for one serious boyfriend/girlfriend, OR are you saying that sleeping around isn't necessarily a problem if the girl/guy doing it does so responsibly? Because I'm not so sure about the former but I'm all for the latter. I guess what I'm saying is that the show isn't to blame for these women's bad behavior. If your assessment is correct, and it is shows like SATC that are making women more lax about their sexual conquests then those women are stupid. There are plenty of women out there (like me) who are single, and do have sex once in awhile, and love the show, and still would not have sex without a condom, and would not have sex with someone they did not know.

"Arise...and be...all that you dreamed...all that you dreamed."


Well, AnnCognito, since you asked for my opinion:

I think your attitude towards intimacy and your body is unfortunate, as is your acknowledgement that you are "all for" casual (yet "responsible") sexual encounters.

Let me tell you a story: There was a time, not very long ago, when a man used to get down on his knees and thank his lucky stars when he got access to a vagina -- and even then it was generally only through marriage (because there once was a time when it mattered to a woman that she be respected). Today, however, getting access to a vagina is as easy and cheap as, say, ordering a Fillet O'Fish sandwhich.

Where did the notion of self-respect go? And when did it become no big deal to wind up just another notch on a man's belt (and please don't brag that you have that same mentallity towards men, because that would make TWO callous swine in these scenarios -- and you don't want to brag about being a callous swine, do you?)

Ask yourself this question: Would you teach your daughter to treat sex casually? I don't mean TOLERATE it if she ended up doing it, but I mean literally sit down and TEACH her to do it ("Now, remember what Mommy told you, little Betsy, everytime you get the 'itch', I WANT you to obey your urges and casually pair up with some dude to 'take care of business'!").

Now, if you say "yes" to that, that would make you one HORRENDOUS mother. And if you say "no", then... why are you living your life so hypocritically? Seriously, think about it...

By the way, thank you for your post because YOU HAVE PROVEN MY POINT about the influence of "Sex and the City". You are admittedly a fan -- even to the point of owning it on DVD -- and you admit that you are "all about" engaging in that kind of behavior in your personal life.

There IS a connection...

Room for one more, honey.


To the OP: You really should know what youre talking about before you start blabbing away. Sex and the City is in no way a show about promiscuity. For the most part, the four women on the show all practice safe sex. If anything, I would say the show is about friendship.

"I was tired of January... tired of June... I felt a change a coming..."


"For the most part, the four women on the show all practice safe sex."

Hmmmm, for the most part. Wow, what a really immature way to conduct one's sex life. So, in conclusion, they're safe from contracting HIV...FOR THE MOST PART. Great!

You do realize that there is no such thing as safe sex, right? That is a term which is no longer used in sex education, or by intelligent people as a whole. It can only be referred to as "SAFER" sex -- because even condoms do not provide 100% protection against HIV or any other STD.

But probably at your age, you can't be bothered to learn something this important. Meanwhile, however, I'd wager that you can name every ridiculous character in the Twilight series.

The whole point of this Oprah episode was that all it takes is ONE occassion, one instance of poor judgement, to ruin a person's life. The women on this Oprah episode were weeping because they wished they could go back and undo what they did.

You won't see Carrie doing that. Because it's all fun and games on "Sex and the City". And if there ever is a broken heart (the worst consequence that arises from the promiscuity on SATC) -- a new pair of shoes makes it all better.

Such vapid "entertainment"...

Room for one more, honey.


Wow... I love how just because I stated my opinion, I get personally attacked from you. Thats all I have to say. I dont respond to trolls.

"I was tired of January... tired of June... I felt a change a coming..."


"You really should know what youre talking about before you start blabbing away"

Do you recall writing this?

I was stating MY opinion, when YOU personally attacked me (and by the way, I know exactly what I'm talking about).

Your behavior is very hypocritical. You have no problem dishing it out, but you cry "foul" when it's done to you.

Don't bother responding to this. You are going on "Ignore".

Room for one more, honey.


You really dont know what youre talking about. If you actually watched the show, you would know that only one of the four main characters sleeps around. The others all, for the most part, have serious relationships. And you say the only casualty the women got from having sex was a broken heart... WRONG!

Miranda does get crabbes in one episode, so the show doesnt pretend like having sex doesnt have its consequences.

"I was tired of January... tired of June... I felt a change a coming..."


You might want to get your facts straight if you're going to be defending a show that you claim to know so much about.

Miranda does get crabbes in one episode, so the show doesnt pretend like having sex doesnt have its consequences.

Miranda did not get crabbes(huh?) or crabs. Charlotte got crabs.

IMDb should be troll free!


Well same thing. I mas just trying to prove to that guy that the show wasnt totally carefree about sex.

Omg did you see his posts??? He is seriously cray hahah.

"I was tired of January... tired of June... I felt a change a coming..."


This is the downside of attempting to use IMDB for adult discourse: You invariably get replies from immature, silly people who cannot spell (and who are so undisciplined that they cannot even be bothered to proof-read their posts prior to posting, or to use spell-check for the "difficult" one-syllable words, such as "crabs"), who get their so-called "facts" wrong, and who resort to name calling (such as the overuse of the word "troll") when they are at a loss to defend their point of view.

People like this ought to leave the discussion to the grown-ups, and instead, go back to their Play Stations, Twilight DVDs, and endless texting about ridiculous nonsense...

Room for one more, honey.


I love Twilight. I would much rather watch my DVDs than listen to you!

"I was tired of January... tired of June... I felt a change a coming..."


Laz, since you brought it up, you have 3 grammatical errors in past threads. I actually found more but didn't want to hurt your feelings - wink wink. I could point them out in your post but I will just let you figure it out. Was it you who called a few other members on here hypocrites? Hmm, you Dumbass!

"I think this is a bad trend. And regarding the OVER-USE of CGI, I also think current movies such as AIW, and most defintely Avatar, are raising a very unfortunate bar to which future films have to meet or exceed in order to satisfy the masses who love CGI, and who desire their films to be nothing more than video game-esque roller-coaster rides.

Lastly (and this is the secret ingredient), after each lame comment from the panel, the audience gets to view each panel member clutching their stomachs and see tight close-ups of them baring all of their teeth in uncontrolable fits of laughter! (The more teeth they bare while laughing, the more we at home know it's supposed to be funny! That's a proven mathematical equation!)

And at least part of the reason that it is selling, in my opinion, is because an entire generation (if not two generations) actively absorb like sponges VIDEO GAME images through regular video game playing. This segment of the population has been desensitized to -- and may even have developed an afinity for -- computer generated images because of this. They are accustomed to staring at these cold, soulless images for literally hours on end until their eyes are bloodshot. It's only natural (an odd choice of wording) that this segment of the population would come to not only desire to see such images in movies, but EXPECT it."


Obsess over complete strangers much? Kindly visit a psychiatrist...

Room for one more, honey.


yeah pretty much, but still made you look stupid, even better was the response


LaZboyfriend - all of your comments on this thread are PURE GENIUS. I 100% agree with your opinion and what you wrote. And I REALLY enjoyed reading the comments (so much so that I stopped and read them aloud to my huband!) Thank you. It is nice to see that I'm not the only person who feels this way.


Charlotte gets crabs. Miranda does get gonorrhea in another episode.


Miranda gets Chlamidya (sp?) from that jackass guy who yelled a lot.

"You ain't got to LIE Craig! You ain't go LIE!"


"Only one of the four main characters sleeps around."

I have seen every episode of "Sex and the City." I looked at it as pure entertainment, not as a show about real people. If they were to be considered real people in my world, then all of them sleep around. Even Charlotte qualifies as bit of a slut. Samantha is in sex addict territory.


"I was stating MY opinion, when YOU personally attacked me (and by the way, I know exactly what I'm talking about).

Your behavior is very hypocritical. You have no problem dishing it out, but you cry "foul" when it's done to you."

LaZboy, again - I want to point out your hypocrisy once again, as soon as I was able to expose your false high and mighty perception you stopped arguing. By the way, im 12 years old and I prostitute my body for KFC.


If the show is about friendship, not promiscuity, why is the first word in the title "Sex"?


Sex doesn't equal "promiscuity", it equals sex. Sex is a part of life, and it was a part of the show.

Oh Christ I've left the iron on!
Te amo Conando!


I agree with that statement (sex doesn't necessarily equal promiscuity). But if the characters on the show weren't promiscuous, I don't know what is.


This is way old. But the show is called Sex and the city because thats what Carrie's newspaper column was called.

your mom, rated e for everyone


Shouldn't there be a question mark after your quote instead of a period? I could be wrong... just thought I'd point that out to you.

"You have no power over me."


Whose quote are you referring to?

Room for one more, honey.


Yours. I wasn't sure if you were asking if there was room for one more or telling someone that there is room for one more.

"You have no power over me."


No, it is not a question.

It is a statement.

And it's taken from an episode of the original "Twilight Zone" series...

Room for one more, honey.


Well, AnnCognito, since you asked for my opinion:

I think your attitude towards intimacy and your body is unfortunate, as is your acknowledgement that you are "all for" casual (yet "responsible") sexual encounters.

Let me tell you a story: There was a time, not very long ago, when a man used to get down on his knees and thank his lucky stars when he got access to a vagina -- and even then it was generally only through marriage (because there once was a time when it mattered to a woman that she be respected). Today, however, getting access to a vagina is as easy and cheap as, say, ordering a Fillet O'Fish sandwhich.

Where did the notion of self-respect go? And when did it become no big deal to wind up just another notch on a man's belt (and please don't brag that you have that same mentallity towards men, because that would make TWO callous swine in these scenarios -- and you don't want to brag about being a callous swine, do you?)

Ask yourself this question: Would you teach your daughter to treat sex casually? I don't mean TOLERATE it if she ended up doing it, but I mean literally sit down and TEACH her to do it ("Now, remember what Mommy told you, little Betsy, everytime you get the 'itch', I WANT you to obey your urges and casually pair up with some dude to 'take care of business'!").

Now, if you say "yes" to that, that would make you one HORRENDOUS mother. And if you say "no", then... why are you living your life so hypocritically? Seriously, think about it...

By the way, thank you for your post because YOU HAVE PROVEN MY POINT about the influence of "Sex and the City". You are admittedly a fan -- even to the point of owning it on DVD -- and you admit that you are "all about" engaging in that kind of behavior in your personal life.

There IS a connection...

I respect your opinion. But you seem to be viewing things in quite a black and white way. What I hear from you is that anyone who has sex "casually" (which is a term I truly hate since nothing about sex is ever really casual, nor should it be) isn't respecting herself, and that the only way one can respect herself and her body is to wait until marriage. Or perhaps be in a long-term committed relationship? But that's not reality. If I meet a guy and I like him and I have consentual safe(r) sex with him, how am I disrespecting myself or my body? That's your definition of self-respect, not mine. I guess what I'm saying is, I don't understand why you can't have your opinion and let me have mine, and admit that there's no "right" or "wrong" answer here. It seems like you have this rigid view of what you consider to be correct, and all opposing views therefore become incorrect.

The answer to your question about what I'd tell my daughter (even though I don't want children) is that I would NOT tell my daughter to go out and find some random dude to screw any time she felt horny. But that's not what "casual" sex is to me. I believe that a woman who is, say, in her 20s, can entertain sex casually while still being responsible. You seem to think that the two are mutually exclusive. I think you're confusing responsible casual sex with rampant promiscuity. Plus, Sex and the City did not have any impact whatsoever on my sex life. I felt this way before that show aired and I feel this way after. In fact, Samantha was my least favorite character. I hated her sexual promiscuity. This one time she tries to be celibate to impress some guy and winds up screwing a stranger she met at the gym. I thought that was disgusting. But that's not casual sex. That's rampant irresponsible promiscuity bordering on possible nymphomania.

Also, I'm sure there are plenty of women who waited until they were married to have sex, or at least waited until they were in a long-term committed relationship, who failed to realize that this person they're married/committed to disrespects them on a daily basis. What's better: a woman who refuses to have sex until she's in a committed marriage but the guy is a total a$$hole to her, or a woman who has "casual" sex with a man she is not married to or committed to but who she's friends with and who respects her implicitly?

Don't get me wrong; I lost my virginity when I was 15, but it was with someone I was in love with. Heck, someone I'm still in love with, though unfortunately he passed away. It would be romantic if sex only occurred when love was involved, but that's not real life. Sometimes people just want to get their rocks off. And in my opinion, there's nothing wrong with that as long as it's consentual, safe(r), and with someone who respects you as a person.

These are just my opinions. And opinions are just onions with pi.


Could have done without the comparison of a vagina to a fish filet sandwich.



I totally agree!!! I remember watching the episode and thinking ewww.. how could women there age be so stupid as to be having unprotected sex?! Women their age should know better!


Blame stupidity.

Clark's Destiny = Superman, Lex Luthor & Lois Lane.


"Blame Sex and the City"... No women need to blame themselves. Also Sex and the City is not the only media that shows people having casual sex, its all over the place so do you blame it all??? No take responsibility for your own actions. It's like someone blaming fast food commercials for being obese. If you know right from wrong you cannot blame anyone but yourself. Of course people will always try to blame something else before themselves, at least in your case. I'm a 20 year old woman and have never watched Sex in the City per say but have engaged in casual sex with a good friend. Not because of what I saw on tv or in the movies but because I wanted satisfaction, that is human nature. Being a sl*t is a big difference. How do you even know all these women who contracted the disease watch Sex in the City? You don't, so stop blaming the show and get a grip on the fact that these women just made irresponsible choices on their own accord. I think you have gone mad, people like you make me laugh.

Think for yourself, question authority.
