Voice-over Removal? Did I dream it?
Okay, forgive me if this has been answered in a previous thread, but I noticed something while re-watching WITNESS just last night.
This is what I remember: Ford visits his boss, tells him about Glover, they exchange lines, BOSS: "Who else knows about this?", BOOK: "Just you and I."
Right after Glover shoots Ford, we get a shot of Book's blood dripping on his dry cleaning, and we RE-HEAR IN A VOICEOVER the two lines of previous dialogue between Book and his Boss, right before cutting to Book going to his sister's to pick up the Amish.
Watching the Special Edition DVD last night, the voice-over was MISSING. I may have to dig out my VHS to verify, but was I dreaming? Those two lines were repeated, weren't they? And if they were, why did Paramount cut them?