don't watch this alone at night
It's creepy, especially when she has those dreams. I am not a scaredy cat, but this movie and the movie Evil Dead are movies that I don't recommend watching alone.
"Duh. You're the idiot. Not me."
It's creepy, especially when she has those dreams. I am not a scaredy cat, but this movie and the movie Evil Dead are movies that I don't recommend watching alone.
"Duh. You're the idiot. Not me."
Too late I watched it, and it scared the crap out of me. There were parts that are freaky and I don't even scare easily.
"Young White Blonde Tall European Green Eye Girl that loves movies"
Yeah my signature lol
I've seen this movie 3 times so far and it's all been alone, at night and in the dark. It didn't scare me at all, but I still enjoyed it very much, each time.
"Angels to some, demons to others..... Now you must come with us!"
I'm watching it alone right now. Not creeped out at all. Just annoyed and how bad it is.
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