MovieChat Forums > A View to a Kill (1985) Discussion > whats everybodys favorite scenes from AV...

whats everybodys favorite scenes from AVTAK???

Mine will be the opening credits because i just love the title song ,the city hall scene ,because Bond never came off more heroic than here especially with the amazing score and the fire truck chase which was really great action...oh yeah and scarpine and zorin going on a killing spree with the uzis

Trolls dont have an opinion....just an urge to compensate their frustration about themselves!!!


I have to say for me it's a tie between the firetruck scene and the final showdown on the Golden Gate bridge.



as time has passed the song does not distract me anymore... i actually enjoy it being one of m yfavorite tunes from the beach boys ,but i do understand why someone thinks it come soff a little infantile or cheesy ,just like the tarzan scream in octopussy

Trolls dont have an opinion....just an urge to compensate their frustration about themselves!!!


Four scenes come to mind, for me. I think the scene on Zorin's blimp - "Does anybody else want to drop out?" was so chilling and slick: it captured May Day and Zorin's methodical brutality so brilliantly. I also really liked the kitchen dinner scene between Bond and Stacey because it really pulls the viewer into Stacey's dilemma about accepting Zorin's bribe or not giving up the fight. The scene with Zorin and General Gogol because it conveys how the capitalist Zorin is a product and weird hybrid of socialist and fascist ideologies: he is nothing if not a chameleon! Also, the brilliantly melodramatic climax where Mortner is crying out for Zorin, with the gloriously deranged John Barry score and then is fumbling with the dynamite before blowing up - I laughed so hard at that! It's an exhilarating sequence.


Lots of fantastic scenes in AVTAK - definitely an underrated gem!

From the top of my head:

- Bond meets Stacey - classic James Bond IMO.
- Golden Gate bridge fight.
- Chantilly/Stables scenes - the snooping, the party, the steeplechase all intriguing, exciting and full of class.
- Mine sequences
- Blimp Scene
- Mayday and Zorin practise fight - this scene screams bizarre and intrigue which is what I love about Bond films - something CR lacks.


Climax (Golden gate bridge) and the eifle tower scene.


"Bubbles tickle my..."


It's hard to argue against the climax. Even people who hate this film admit it's one of the more memorable/iconic of the series. But Bond and Zorin's first meeting at the horse sale has always been one of my favorites. Bond intentionally getting under Zorin's skin with his cover story about the aunt who left him some stables, and Walken's hilarious "I'm happiest... in the saddle" line. Great stuff.

"Dan Marino should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell. Would you like a cookie son?"


The showdown at the Golden Gate bridge is amazing, but I have a special love for the scene prior to the beginning of the fight, when Bond is dangling from the rope, when Zorin says "this will hurt him more than me!". The cinematography is beautiful, and so is John Barry's score, it's a shame this particular track wasn't released.

Honourable mention goes to Bond and Zorin's altercation. "You amuse me, Mr. Bond!"/ "It's not mutual". One of the few scenes that Roger Moore plays it straight and shows Bond angered.


there are so many i can't pick one, but i sort of like the fire truck bit and when i was a kid i found bond saving stacey from the burning building looking like such a heroic moment, the eiffel tower scene in the beginning looks pretty messed up with a stuntman with different hair colour, dolls flying through boat ceiling, at one moment bond utters something you can't hear to another guy, sounds like a german dubbing, later the editing looks bad when bond is with may day, i wish the movie makers from the 1970s rather worked on these 80s flicks. this marks the end of moneypenny, well the actress i mean, i don't even recall the later being changed one after another, i'm surprised dolph lundren even got credited considering he appears a few seconds without dialogue, by the way, this movie is packed with hidden dirty dialogue, also i'm pretty sure stacey uses the other word for "crap" as she's driving the fire truck, if so, that's the only time i've heard profanity in a bond movie, might have happened in later ones, i only watch connery and moore's movies, i keep hearing people refer to this as the last bond movie, i though i was the only one, gogol is almost as much of a regular cast in this franchise as m, q and moneypenny, i've never heard anyone pronounce the word "vitamins" as q does.

πŸ‚ 🚁 🌌 πŸŒ‰ πŸš’ πŸš” 🚦 🍽 🚿 πŸ—Ό πŸ‘’ 🐎 🎩

smooth madeleine,
though same clothing wear,
and never change style of hair,
with curves swirl my soul,
throw big hair like wind blow,
with a smile,
softly walks on my life.


Mrs Bell says β€˜Holy shit!’ in Live And Let Die.


Alison Doody walking in her skin tight pants...
