One of the most moving parts of this movie, and there are SEVERAL,
is when asked about why she didn't marry the boy she loved she says that her daddy didn't like his daddy so she wasn't allowed to see the boy she loved and he wasn't allowed to see her.

"Janis, how can I get it if she won't come out of her A-frame?"


*spoilers below*
I agree. That part always gets to me. Many parts of this film get to me.

Such as, the part at the end where she is in the car riding back to the city with her family, and she says goodbye to Bountiful. That and that look she has on her face in the so sad. She knows this will be her last trip to the beloved home of her youth. Then that lovely song begins to play...I weep EVERY single time.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Another great scene is the first really expansive shot, and movement (faster), when she FINALLY got on the bus and it is moving down the road. You can just feel the freedom.
