Okay does anyone notice in one of the scenes (I think the first one) where Willem Dafoe kisses his girlfriend in the backstage of her little art shows. There's a shot that's a close up on the back of her head and Willem Dafoe leaning into kiss her. The actress in the scene really looks like a man, I always found it odd that they switched the actress for an actor just for that one shot. I mean was she not on the set that day? Or did William Friedkin think it would be just an odd thing to do?
Yes, I did notice and I have wondered why this odd choice was made. It bothers me a bit when I watch this film. I can't understand why they used a man and then switched to the girl. I guess we will never know.
"Humans! Humans fear what they don't understand and hate what they fear."
There is one truly great red herring that shows that Friedkin is completely confident with himself and his film that he is willing to flush expectation down the toilet. After bad guy Willem Dafoe watches an interpretive play, he goes back stage to meet one of the performers. With a crew cut and a masculine painted face, the performer moves in and kisses Dafoe. The instant connotations of this shot suggest that Friedkin is going to attribute villainy to homosexuality, like many of his detractors accused him of doing with his previous films. People picketed Cruising for presenting gay sub-culture as a cesspool of filth and sin and for making the lead antagonist a blatant homosexual. Cruising nearly destroyed Friedkin’s career, and he entertains the notion that he again is going to explore homosexuality from a negative perspective with L.A. Then, with a witty touch, the performer reveals the crew cut as a wig, allowing her curly feminine hair to run free. With that scene, Friedkin destroys anyone’s preconceived notions about the film and about his concerns as a filmmaker. He daringly refers to the film that almost destroyed him in order to show that all the bets are off with this film, that this is a different film than Cruising and also one that will not cater to expectations.
It's an interesting Gotcha! moment, but the more searing scene that defies expectation is when Friedkin kills off the main protagonist and we see later on that even though he's a rough-edged cop he also has a code of subversion that his surviving partner carries on himself.
I just watched that scene, and I think it looks like there is a cut between where Dafoe is kissing the figure and then its revealed to be Debra Feur. I wonder if they actually had Dafoe kiss a man to make the scene even more confusing, sort of how Friedkin used different actors to play the killer in "Cruising".
But I take a bit of an issue with the assertion above that "...instant connotations of this shot suggest that Friedkin is going to attribute villany to homosexuality...". I think that's a bit hyper-sensitive and that even if it were a man, that's not the message.
I heard Friedkin actually say it was on purpose to throw off the audience, even if only on a subliminal level. I think he was trying to make “illusion” a theme of the movie.