Corporal punishment
Early in the film when Jane and her mother are arguing about Marty's prank the mother threatens to smack her. Jane is 14, in the 1970s would a mother have spanked a teenager?
shareEarly in the film when Jane and her mother are arguing about Marty's prank the mother threatens to smack her. Jane is 14, in the 1970s would a mother have spanked a teenager?
shareProbably not, but maybe would have threatened.
shareSpanked? No. Slapped? Maybe.
Early in the film when Jane and her mother are arguing about Marty's prank the mother threatens to smack her. Jane is 14, in the 1970s would a mother have spanked a teenager?
That's not just true of the 1970s. This is life in everyday America, away from enclaves like Berkley and Greenwich, the latter of which hasn't seen a murder since Micheal Skakel mistook Martha Moxley for a golf ball
Early in the film when Jane and her mother are arguing about Marty's prank the mother threatens to smack her. Jane is 14, in the 1970s would a mother have spanked a teenager?
Bot a question of decades. This scene is a snap shot of how everyday people in rural Maine, Tampa, and Spokane act. Mouthing off=shit getting violent real fast