what's the holdup on the DVD?

Yes, I am sure a lot of people want this on DVD including myself. I have searched for information online and came up with NOTHIN'. I thought "Career Opportunities" really sucked (I watched it only because Jennifer's in it) but astonishingly that's on DVD.

Perhaps the original negative of Seven Minutes is lost, damaged, or something. Warner Bros. is a huge company, I am sure they can afford to get the resources together and release this for crud's sake. I am dang sure it would sell a ton of copies. Anyone know what the issue is?


Nowadays everything is being converted to dvd, it just takes time. I really want to see this movie on dvd, it's so charming.


its starting on HBO Family. I'm burning it to a DVD!


haha I just got done watching it. AHH I shoulda taped it...dangit. lol.


This is one of the boringest movies I have seen, but it should still go onto DVD, because there's always someone who would buy it. I'm wondering if Student Bodies (1981) will ever come onto DVD? That is a B movie straght to video. I used to watch it all the time. Has anyone seen it, and what did you think about it?


STUDENT BODIES played in theaters in 1981, it was not direct to video, it made $5 million dollars (seriously, no lie).

Paramount has no plans for this one. idiots


Which website can I find the box office numbers for Student Bodies. I'm not calling you a liar, because I read that it was in theaters, then went straight to video. How can a movie go straight to video, even if it was in theaters for a little while? I remember a website for box office numbers, but only like the top 150 of each year. Where can I find the box office numbers for ALL OF THE MOVIES FOR EACH YEAR?

"Matt Damon" - Matt Damon


I don't know about where to find the box office numbers for all of the movies for each year but here are the stats from IMDB for Student Bodies http://imdb.com/title/tt0083133/business

You can look up any movie's box office numbers on their page and click on "Box Office and Business" in the left column... Maybe you knew that already... anywho...

"I asked for a car, I got a computer....how's that for being born under a bad sign?"


you can find that info on www.boxofficemojo.com


In 1981, there was no such thing as "direct-to-video" movies yet.


Hey JimF29, if you ever read this, could you e-mail me at: ari (at) testwell (dotcom) if you get a moment? Got somethin ta ask ya... If you do pls remind me you're writing from the IMDb board for this flick, and put "IMDb Question" or something like that in the subject line so I'll know it's not spam... Thanx in advance if you do.


I love this movie and would love to see it on dvd

"I'm out Jerry, And I'm loving every minute of it !"


i talked to Bryon Thomas the guy who played Jeff and i asked him about the Dvd and this is what he said!It probably doesn't do enough sales in video to warrant DVD..


I'm waiting for the DVD as well. I'll cling tightly to my VHS (and book!) in the meantime.

"First you wanna kill me, now you want "kiss me. Blo(e)w" I did(aka eBathory)


Why would anyone want this crappy movie on dvd?, some movies dont deserve a dvd release and this turkey is one of them.



yeah i just watched it & should have recorded it.
danggit. im mad at myself.



Warner Archives is releasing this film to DVD on April 20, 2010.


That's today. How come I don't see it listed anywhere?


http://www.wbshop.com/Seven-Minutes-in-Heaven/1000154294,default,pd.ht ml

So glad Warner finally decided to release it!


woah. $19? And it's not blue-ray?
