The movie starts with the end of Rocky III, where Apollo and Rocky have their third fight. While walking to the ring, Apollo tells Rocky he thought of the idea 3 years earlier (after their second fight). However, when Rocky gets home after fighting Apollo, his son is five years older, Apollo's been retired for 5 years, and Rocky's celebrating his 9 year anniversary with Adrian.
Well I just retcon it in my head that Rocky was just coming back from some sparring. Sure the movie opened up with the end of the last film. But i just assume we jump to current time and Rocky is coming back from some messing around at a gym...he never specifies where he's coming from ...
Easy. I just went to the Rocky v board and left a post.
Soap Opera time.
I figure sage is playing 8-9 years old at the beginning and around 11-13 at the end. The film takes place across 3-4 years. 86-89 or 86-90 No visible aging from actors.....but that is ok. Soaps do it all the time You just assume they are the age they are supposed to be at that given moment. It's the story that matters first anyhow. Little House on the prairie did this all the time. Same with Mash. You just take the story for what it is and don't concern yourself with the dates and look of the actors to much. Rocky Balboa and Both Creed's have tightened it up and brought everything back in line I think.
There are like Mickey's headstone date. But nothing serious. In fact this movie there is onscreen dialogue that supports the fact that it is more than a year that passes by.....
I feel like every film franchises (except maybe Godfather) have these kind of issues anyways... Most of the times, they are not thought ahead and are written movie by movie which often leads to some plot holes, messed time lines, contradictions and inaccuracies. I don't have a problem with that unless it's really a huge and obvious problem (like how they totally messed up Terminator's timeline after the second movie (which should had been the last too)).
Yeah well I feel like this is a never ending debate because I know many prople who think like you just like I know many people who think like me. I respect your opinion, but for me T2 is by far the best Terminator movie.
I thought it was awful. Each his opinion and no one is wrong.
I found T3 kinda "soulless" and I was absolutely not thrilled by the action. I thought that the premise was excellent, but weakly delivered. But I know many people who enjoyed T3 and I have no problem with it.
The timeline in this movie (and in the series in general) has contradictions. The 9th year wedding anniversary indicates it's taking place in present day (1985) because they got married a short while after his first fight with Apollo on 01/01/1976, but Apollo being retired for "nearly 5 years" indicates it's taking place in 1981 (Apollo retired after his second fight with Rocky on 11/25/1976).
It seems that Stallone kept getting confused between the time frame that the movies were supposed to be set in and the time frame in which the movies were made. For another example, Rocky II takes place in 1976 but it was made in 1979, so when Rocky III comes along, seemingly set in present day (1982), Rocky has been the champion / Apollo has been retired for 3 years, though it should have been 6 years, i.e., the same age as their kid, who was clearly 6 or 7 years old (and indeed was played by an actor who was 7 years old at the time and in no way could have passed for a 3-year-old).
Yet in Rocky 3 Mickey's grave says it's still 1981. Then in Rocky 4 his licence plate says 1986, which is a good deal after Rocky 3 despite that movie taking place soon after. And then his son magically aged several years between Rocky 4 and 5 and at least one newspaper in Rocky 5 says 1990. It's a goofy timeline.
Yeah, and Mick's grave stone has another problem too: it says he was born in 1905, making him 76 when he died in 1981, but he said he was 76 years old in the first movie (set in 1975 when he said it), so he should have been born in 1899.