I'd like an explanation...

I'm a huge fan of zombie movies, and I've enjoyed several zombie comedies. My favorites are Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland, but I also liked Fido, Dance of the Dead, and Night of the Creeps. The last three weren't great, but they were clever enough and contained elements of one of my favorite sub-genres. That said, I can't see what makes Return of the Living Dead so amazing to some people. I'm not bashing this film, I legitimately want to know what makes it anything more than an average horror comedy. I'm not here to complain, I honestly want to like this movie and I'm wondering what its fans can see in it. You can't simply say "either you get it or you don't" as an excuse; I can provide rationale for why I like each of the movies I mentioned before. I just want to understand what there is to love about this movie, so I'd appreciate an intelligent response.


Trash's dance made the whole film.

That's what we see in it!!!

If you don't know what I'm talking about, perhaps you're watching an edited for tv version.

Read other posts regarding Trash for a better understanding.


her character certainly helped. there were some good moments, I admit, I just was a bit disappointed by the overall movie.


Hyea lol. It's a great movie over-all, but ANY movie with Linnea Quigley butt arse naked in it automatically makes it GREAT!

"Cry me a river, build a damn bridge, and make your way across."


How bout, the comedy isn't average, for starters. This movie is full of comedic brilliance and strikes a PERFECT balance of delightful, intentional camp and genuine horror.

The plot is fantastic. It does a tremendous job paying homage to Night of the Living Dead while at the same time using that film to catapault its own fantastic, original zombie tale, culminating in one of the greatest endings in movie history.

The overral style of the film makes for a wildly entertaining, incredibly memorable, unique movie. From the camerawork(the awesome, unforgettable shots seen in the opening frozen body locker and in the cremation scenes for just 2 examples) to the INCREDIBLE soundtrack(the main theme of the movie being one of the greatest in horror movie history), it's anything but "average". I'm honestly pretty blown away someone would describe this movie as being "average". I've encountered folks who simply did'nt care for the campy/comedic style of the flick, which i can understand(although i think said person is missin out on one of the most entertaining movies ever made). But i don't think i can wrap my head around your view of the film.

And not to sound like a jerk, but if this stuff seriously was lost on you when you watched the movie(which is shocking to me), no amount of verbal explanation will make you suddenly enjoy the truly amazing movie you saw.


the technical points you made about camerawork and music are valid, there's plenty of good elements in this movie, I'll definitely agree with that. In terms of visuals and atmosphere, I actually think it's well made. the problem I have with it is that I didn't find it disturbing/scary enough to be a great horror movie or funny enough to be a great comedy. for me, it's a well made zombie movie that could have been much better. I'm not saying it's bad, just that I don't understand how people on here say it's Oscar level material. maybe I need to watch it again sometime...


"the problem I have with it is that I didn't find it disturbing/scary enough to be a great horror movie or funny enough to be a great comedy."

A movie that blends the two likely isn't going to be going too far in one direction or the other. I mean look at one of the all time classics in the subgenre of your comedy/horror flicks, Evil Dead 2. It's one of, if not the only, film of this type that manages to be genuinely creepy in spite of its comedic elements, and that's mainly due to some of the bizarre stuff like the dead body dance sequence which has a surreal nightmarish quality to it. And even on the comedy front, it's not especially gutbusting. It offers some fun, memorable cheesy slapstick, but outside of that it's hardly a comedic masterpiece nor is it HUGE on laughs. Most horror/comedies are real dark comedies, like American Werewolf in London. Return of isn't supposed to be an outright, give a grown man nightmares, disturbing horror nightmare. And it's also not supposed to be a laugh a minute, gutbusting comedy. It's just a wildly entertaining, flat out fun as hell, chaotic zombie flick. It does what it intends to do PERFECTLY, which is to provide some delightful, well done zombie mayhem with some laughs thrown in for good measure.

I think a lot of people go into it with the wrong expectations, and are dissapointed as a result.

I've never heard anyone say it's oscar level material. This def is not the type of flick the oscars are interested in.


I guess I'll have to give it a another shot sometime, with some more realistic expectations. I certainly enjoyed parts of it, hopefully I can find something more next time. Thanks.



How old are you?


Exactly. Also, I'd like to know what's NOT to like about this movie. It's perfect. It has everything you want from a movie. WTF!?


Actually it is as simple as "either you get or or you don't", simply because it is a matter of individual opinion. An individual can explain all day why they like something but there is no REAL way to explain why they personally like it. As an example, my wife hate the soft drink Dr.Pepper, I love Dr.Pepper. I can explain all day that I enjoy the unique taste, or the sugary goodness, but at the end of the day she will never truly understand why I like it because it tastes like sh!t to her, she just understands that I enjoy it, that she doesn't enjoy it, and that is all there is to it. The ability to explain the rational means nothing when it comes to personal taste. You can explain away all day as to why you like certain movies, and it mean absolutely nothing to me (that is not a negative thing)because at the end of the day you will like that movie and I will not. the ability to explain why means nothing, if I don't like it, I don't like it, there is nothing wrong with that, it's just simple individuality.

BUT, there are some times when a new outlook can be gained through a conversation such as this, sometimes a person doesn't "get it", maybe they didn't understand something about a movie and when they finally do, they enjoy it more. But that really is not the case with this movie, there are no real underlying tones that a person can miss, everything is laid out on the table before you, and you either enjoy what you are being presented, or you do not.

Now to fully answer your question I will explain why I enjoy this movie, but as I stated above, this is my opinion, and mine alone and I am not attempting to convince you into seeing it my way.

WHY: First off I am huge zombie fan so my love of the genre is what led me to this move back in the mid 1980's. This movie scared this crap out of me when I was youngster so there is a bit of nostalgia factored in, I love rewatching this movie and remembering how I felt about it then and seeing it now with the eyes of an older and matured and more experienced adult.I also the love work that was put into this movie, all the little intricacies that made this work. The tiny attention to details that Dan O'bannon had in filming this movie. I love the new (new at that time)zombie acted and were presented, it was fresh and unique. As I have grown older and understood how movies were made, I have also gained enjoyment from they way it was filmed, the techniques that were involved, the care that was taken in everything that was done to accomplish making this movie. I enjoy the acting, how they had combined the genre of comedy and horror together. There really isn't anything about this movie that I can point out as being a negative. It truly is hands down one of my all time favorite horror movies, as well as one of, if not, my favorite zombie movie.

Now I could take more time, and a hell of a lot more page space to elaborate on each of those points I just made, but there would no point. It's not hard to see why I like this movie by what I posted, it shouldn't be hard to glean why from this little bits of info. But if you do not like this movie, then no amount of further explanation is going to change that. you either like it or you do not, and that is all good and cool.


I tell you what well done juggernaut talk about hit the zombie right on the head you nailed it mate that's probley the best explanation I've ever heard not only about one of the best zombie films ever made I myself watched this as a kid myself , even tho not as scary as zombie flesh eaters when your 8 thanks dad !!! But why people like and dis like stuff in general top marks pal well done dr pepper does taste like *beep* tho !!!!!!!!!!!


I hope you've had the opportunity to re-watch it.

For me - it's hilarious and creepy. You mention Shaun of the Dead, which I love as well, but, although hilarious, I don't think that film is scary at all. I'd say Return of the Living Dead is much scarier. The film was pretty explicit for its time (when I had first seen it, I don't remember having seen too many films like that - maybe Evil Dead).
The Thom Matthews and James Karen teamup is one of the best teams ever captured on film. If they are in a movie together, I'd watch it, regardless of subject. James Karen's scene with the crematorium is, to me, one of the best, touching scenes to be inserted into a zombie film.
Zombies were not yet in the mainstream, so, at the time, you were seeing some new things on screen. Great acting. Great characters. Great music. Tarman. It is what it is, and I don't think they could've made it any better if they tried.


I just stumbled on this old thread today, and I have watched it since I posted originally. I don't totally love this movie, but after paying closer attention, I do see why people like it. In fact, I was able to enjoy it, and I think I'd actually give it about a 7/10. The more zombie movies I see, the better I realize this one is. Here is one occasion where I'm glad to change my opinion on something.

They're advancing the wrong way! Retreat Backwards!


Why did you like Zombieland?
I think once the girls show up the movie goes downhill and becomes ridiculous and boring. The whole thing with going to the mansion is just so dull.

Also the ending with the theme park, it was just retarded. These girls turn on all the rides bringing all the zombies in the area to them? ridiculous. I couldn't stand Zombieland. it was garbage.

One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.



one thing is people doing dumb things without thinking and another thing is making your ENTIRE plan about going to a theme park without thinking about the zombies in there or anything.

It was like, their whole motivation was a really really stupid plan,
It felt too stupid for two cunning girls that would rob guys on a regular basis, I couldn't buy it


I like it because it doesn't seem to take itself too seriously.. It's fun in a campy way. The movie is highly quotable and the acting is magnificantly overdone.

