Has anyone read the book?

I heard this is loosely based on a novel by John Russo, which was a sequel to NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. Anyone read it? If so, what was it about? Just how similar is it to this film?



It's pretty much the same with a few alterations (Trash is called Legs, Spider is called Meat) also Trash and Scuz are a couple.
i won't spoil any real plot differences that it has from the movie, it's definitely worth a read if you can get a hold of it.

"Keep away. The sow is mine"



Other than the title and zombies, absolutely nothing.



Sequel to the novelization of the Movie Night of the Living Dead.


The were 2 novels called Return of the Living Dead that were written by John Russo.
One is a sequel to NOTLD the other was the novelisation of this movie.

