Integral Cut

I'm a huge fan of this movie. Of the two commonly-available versions, I prefer the unrated of course. But I always felt it was missing something when you take out the weirdo scenes of Hill hypnotizing Meg's father and others. That material in particular makes the plot make more sense; otherwise some aspects of it (Meg's father turning angrily on Cain, and certain Hill scenes where he still attempts to hypnotize people like Meg and West) are kind of incoherent.

There's an "Integral Cut" on recent limited Blu Ray releases that incorporates this material back into the unrated version. Does anyone know if this cut has made it to DVD yet? I'm getting nowhere with online searches which tend to turn up a lot of results about the recent Blu Rays. If it's not on DVD yet, it ought to be!


I actually like the way that Dr Hill just sort of turn into the real bad guy out of nowhere in the unrated version.

@Twitzkrieg - Glasgow's FOREMOST authority


Is there a cut which shows Meg's full frontal lower region from the top as the Dean (her late father) rips off her lower undergarments?
I'm not talking about the part where we see the total frontal from an angle, but one where it's zoomed in on her pelvic region - I seem to have a memory of this, but could be wrong....


That's probably just your fevered puberty-fuelled memory playing tricks on you. There's never been a version that zooms in on her vagina. Possibly the ummatted fullscreen version showed a bit more nudity, just like the panties-ripping scene in From Beyond.

Incidentally, I discovered the Integral Cut actually has less nudity than the unrated, it trims the sex scene and then uses alternate footage of Dan in bed and then cuts to Megan after she's already put her bra on. All other nudity is uncut though, seems a bit weird.


The version I have on bluray has no zoom scene but clearly shows her bush as the poster above mentions. The camera is above her head looking down her body.


I never seen it, but back in the late 80's, they came out with an R-rated version that had different scenes that were important to the plot. Did anyone see that version?

note: the R-rated cut is 9 min longer.


I'm actually watching it right now. So, this version is rated? I'll have to watch the unrated cut to see what violence/nudity they took out because I haven't noticed anything. I'm at the part where West takes Dr. Hill's head off with the shovel and it's as gruesome as ever haha. Love how he says "laid to rest...". Such a genius in the delivery of his lines.


I've never seen the R-rated version, but did you notice any extra plot scenes that were put in that weren't in the unrated version? They had nothing to do with sex or violence.

The part were Dr. Hill goes down on Megan is more explicit in the unrated version.

There are extra scenes of gore in the unrated version of R.A., and the gore scenes that you saw in the R version go on a few seconds or so longer in the unrated version. So a lot of times, a person doesn't notice the few seconds longer of gore. It's just like the uncut version of "American Pie." In the R version, Nadia masturbates for 3 seconds, but in the unrated version, she does it for 5 seconds. Can you really notice the 2 seconds longer? Maybe if you were watching both versions side by side.


Thanks for the reply, FA999

*NOTE* Minor spoilers ahead for those who haven't seen the "integral cut"

I wish they'd put everything into ONE version of the film. All the gore and sex/nudity, and all the added plot scenes.

The missing plot scenes were quite important to the story IMO. Dr. Hill used hypnosis on Dean Halsey (which really explains why the dean was so upset with Cain when he came to his office to tell him about the cat re-animation), Meg, and even West. There's also a scene that shows that Herbert West was addicted to taking small doses of his re-agent serum in order to keep his brain highly functional without sleep. Which would really explain (or at least partly explain) why he's so "mad".

So there's really quite a bit you miss out on as far as the plot if you've never seen the integral cut. So Overall, in my humble opinion, you're missing out on about 9 minutes of great scenes.
