
I am a huge fan of the Evil Dead series and pretty much know when to laugh at horror movies if they're intentionally trying to be funny, or are unintentionally funny. For "Re-Animator", when I watch it I find few humorous things, and find a great Lovecraftian interpretation and a great film as a whole. This has become one of my favorite horror films, but I wish someone could just tell me where the comedy lies.


Pretty much everything about Jeffrey Comb's (brilliant) performance?

Dialogue like "Cat dead, details later" and "Who's going to believe you? You're a talking head"?

Things such as the fake head used to sneak past the guard outside the morgue and the moment when he comes back from his break?

The over the top gore -particularly when intestines attack West at the end?

It's dark and, at times, quite subtle comedy, but personally I find it hilarious.

Art is a lie that tells the truth.


That "talking head" line is particularly interesting. I don't know if any of you guys noticed, but there's a Talking Heads poster up in his bedroom seen earlier in the film!!!

Ghoulscout and proud. Been haunting the crypt since '95.


Cmon, it's even MORE of a comedy than a horror, IMO. You don't see it?
Well, I just watched Re-Animator... it was delicious.

How do you wake up from a nightmare, if you're not asleep?


Dan throwing the cat against the wall is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Does that make me a bad person?


I don't think so, at least not a worse person than me. My favourite is when Dan is arguing whether the cat was dead initially, then West picks the corpse up, drops it and asks: "Do you agree that it is dead now?"


The whole movie is a gas, but the "Cat dead, details later" moment just cracks me up every time (and I'm a cat lover).

Combs' performance gets a lot of praise in horror-buff circles, but he really deserved some serious awards for his work in this film.

If there were reason for these miseries,
Then into limits could I bind my woes.


Lovecraft originally published the story in a comedy magazine called Home Brew. So I do believe that it was always meant to have a comedic aspect.


In the story, I find a lot of humor in the fact that West continues to say "It wasn't fresh enough" after every failed attempt. The film captured the spirit of the story perfectly.



The comedy lies everywhere in this movie. The way the headless body awkwardly lurches around, when Dr. Hill slams his fist against the glass in frustration, "Cat dead, details later", the head on the spike, 'No, no, no....yes, yes, yes!", the entire re-animated cat scene, the head giving head, the fake ear falling on the floor, the checking of Dr. Gruber's pulse at the beginning...funny moments abound!


What about the start? They had a few intentionally (I hope) corny shots where they did extreme closeups with overacting. Also, as others mentioned the lines like the cat being dead, and details later.


Honestly, the only parts I really found humorous were a few parts involving the headless corpse. Other than that, it was more of a straight horror film.
