Why did you like it?
Last two years I've been working my way through the top 250 movies on the imdb list, and last night, with still 60 movies to go, I saw Ran.
While I realise that the list is a compromise and thus can never possibly satisfy everyone, I have noticed a common thing for the movies which I don't fully appreciate. I can understand what's good about a lot of movies (even those which feel a bit dated) and that by standards of the 30s the movies made back then were great. I see what was great about Chaplin and I really enjoyed dr. Strangelove and 12 angry man for example. But what I can't get is why people love art movies. I'm talking about Bergman (who is a swede like me), and especially Kurosawa. As long as and art movie combines the art with humor, action or adventure it works for me, but some movies drown in the art and get to abstract.
Ran is one of those movies.
I found it hard to like because of the constantly raised voices of the actors (do they always shout in Japan?), the weird humor (the fool at the beginning for example) and the theatric way in which it all was executed.
Now, I'm not here only to complain as some may think. I ask you who really enjoyed this movie, who gave it an 9 or a 10, to please explain what elements of this movie that you liked and why. And please give some examples as well. I'm not aiming at loving this type of movie, which I never will, I just want to understand why you guys do. And why it's on the top 250 list.