Has anybody else wondered...

...where did Rambo get the conveniently placed RPG at the end of the film when he blew up the Russian helicopter? Ive always wondered this. Was it just sitting there on the seat the whole time throughout the helicopter chase? Its the same type he used on the boat. Any ideas anyone?





I've always wondered how the guys in the back felt about him using that thing with the tail end pointed straight at them!


well, is 80s movie logic ever able to stand up in court? i think we're supoosed to know that the rpg was brought on board the chopper when the POWs were loading up on it... or maybe when rambo tossed the two crew guys out of their during the aerial boxing match it was already stowed on board. Well, the copter pilot did hop out on his own... but i guess we just have to believe it it was there even though we never saw it during the chopper scenes.


In the interest of trivia...the weapon he uses at in the helicopter is not an RPG. It's an M72 LAW rocket launcher. A U.S. weapon.

However, some bad editing adds some confusion. For some reason, there is a couple-frame cut to Rambo's hand from the gunship scene pulling the trigger on an RPG launcher in the middle of the sequence. The trigger for the LAW is a button-type mechanism on top of the launcher. It was a common weapon carried by at least one squad member during the Vietnam War. Maybe it was still in the Huey from whenever it was commandeered by the NVA.

And yeah...the backblast would have cooked everyone in the back of the chopper.


Glad I'm not the only one that wondered that. I guess the Russian guys kept lots of stuff under the seat. (There do seem to be weapons laying around everywhere in a Rambo movie don't there?)

Sig: "Nobody on the left talks about race." --GameBoyFan

Ignoring: MythicCDXX, Creeping Judas/Jesus, RonPaul_Lies, Digby (and aliases), ibestupid, Holiday_Hobo, sharon_18, TilaMoo, Okie-from-Muskogee/boo321, NorCalNik, Nullifidian


Yeah it's a well-known goof. The editor put in the earlier shot of the RPG trigger...I guess because they didn't have a shot of the actual rocket firing (just of he chopper blowing up) and didn't have a shot of him activating the trigger on top of the LAW.

It's conceivable that the LAW was stashed in the chopper. One does wonder why they wouldn't have used it before hand...though it is a one-shot deal. Or maybe he didn't see it until they crashed. They were in kind of a rush.

As for the backblast in the chopper....yeah, that's just a mistake. Those dudes would not be OK.


Its Russian military law that all helicopters come with RPG rocket launchers inside them
