Where can I buy this?

Does anyone know where I can buy this online?? I have tried ebay, amazon, etc. No luck. I am trying to find it brand new. Can anyone help??



i'd like to buy it too!! haha.. ive been searching. its one of those chldhood movies you would like to own!


Oh I have it now! I got it on ebay... a little more than I wanted to pay for it, but that's ok. Now that I've seen it again... I can't believe I wanted it so bad! It wasn't as good as it was watching it as a kid. :( Oh well...



i got it on ebay for 6 bucks... it was worth the money just for the memories.


I just bought it from my video shop for a dollar fifty.

One cannot be betrayed if one has no people.



I am so glad that other people even know what movie this is. I have been asking people about it for years everyone thought that I was making it up. My parents didn't even remember renting it for us over and over again. Thanks for the info.
