Plot question.........

Tell me if this is a secene from this movie. When they are imprisoned, they sleep in weird hammock-things and they devise a way to escape, but they need to be careful not to trip over a string (?) that is attached to the bad guy's hand/finger (???) I am laughing so hard even writing this. Like a million other of you out there, if it weren't for my brother I'd be convinced I completely made up this movie. But I wondering if the scene I described was in the movie. Or if I made THAT part up... Thanks!!


It's been way too long since i've seen this movie..i'm dying for a copy. But I do remember them sleeping in hammocks or nets from the ceiling or something? Trying to escape from the Signor, so he wouldn't make paint brushes out of Michael's hair!? Yikes! The real question should be why does this movie have the same effect on all of us? Why did we all think it was some freakish dream!?


Hahah, yup, that's in this movie. The old bad guy is sleeping and has a string attached to each finger, which he uses as alarm laser beams that run all across the room, so the kid waves around a long-haired brush to detect the wires without touching them and waking up the guy (a very difficult thing to explain in writing)...

I thought I'd be able to write this without laughing out loud. I was wrong.

- If his brain's ran down, how can he talk?
- It happens to people all the time.


I thought I'd be able to read responses to the question without laughing out loud! Glad to know I didn't invent that weird scene. Perfect explanation. This movie is burned into my memory and of the hundreds of movies I saw when I was a kid, why THIS one? Not that I'm complaning. Gotta love bizarre, disturbing memories from childhood that do not involve family. I wonder if there is a modern day movie that kids today will remember like we remember The Peanut Butter Solution....


this movie came to me just today and i thought i was making it up too, but i do remember that happening in the movie... i remember there being a ton of kids in those hammock things too and he went into a painting that the signor painted with someone's hair... i cant remember why i thought of this, but my mom looked at me like i was crazy when i said something to her lol


hehe i remember this film being one of my worst films, but its somehow grown on me even though I havent seen it for 16 years, probably because so little people have seen it/remember it.

i remember the scene, i think the strings were attatched to invisible furniture! and the ribbon thing they used made shapes of the furniture as they walked over them..
