Hands Off Song

Ok the scene where they are at the school dance and the vampire dances for Jim Carey with his girlfriend.. I know the song is called Hands Off by Maria Vidal., but I can't find it anywhere.. and Im like addicted to this song now and I want it really really bad.. WHERE CAN I FIND THIS! Someone help.. They don't even have it to download on the internet.. =(



Yeah I finally found it! Thanks for your help.. I love it.. I have been playing it nonstop!


Hey, I've been looking for that song as well, where did you get it? If you can't remember could I get a copy of it from you?


what other tracks besides "hands off" do you have from the film?

im looking for a couple of tracks.


i'm also looking and have been for a very long time. if anyone has it and could send it to me, i'd greatly appreciate it. send it to [email protected].


i dont know how to send it but its not hard to download from limewire.com its free and easy...
*Im in middle of a divorce D-i-v-o-r-c-e DEEVORCE"!


Can't use limewire, When I had it, it had a notice on there that it was a court order that people can't download songs anymore on that program anymore


hey,can u send me that song plz?


You're lucky you got someone to send it to you because I had to search for months on Kazaa to find mine!



Where did you find that song? I too have been looking for it everywhere!



I have this song electronically. If you still haven't found it, send me an email at [email protected] and I'll send it to you.


I'm new to the site and I was hoping I could talk you into emailing me the Hands Off song by Maria Vidal if you still have it. I've been trying to find that song all over the place and can't find it anywhere. My email address is [email protected] I'd really appreciate it if you could help. Thanks for your time.


Oh would you be able to send the song to me? Please just reply to this message so that I know your still on this addy. Much appreciated.


Looks like you're overwhelmed with requests for the song. But if you wouldn't mind one more, I'd love, love, love to have the song. Thanks no matter what!



Can some one please send me this song, its been in my head since I have watched the movie over and over and over agian.

email is [email protected]


::grins as she waves her hand stepping right behind everyone else and bats her lashes trying to give the most irresistable expression possible:: Pleeeeeeeease.. May I have a copy of Hands off.. You will not even believe how much I have been through to find it. and just finally stumbled upon this place.
Email me at [email protected] Thanks a bunch! The Great Heather/.


i personally like the version in the movie alot better than the version on the soundtrack. the one on the soundtrack is more of like a keyboard version and the one in the movie is like the guitar version. and i doubt anyone can have the movie version since that wasn't released. but i am doing an edit of the movie version u can hear a 20 seconds sample with the link below. u can definetly tell the difference.



This has to be the greatest song in any 80's film.
I downloaded the "album" version of the song. I want the film version!


A VERY late reply to your post...however: I just bought a CD of the film’s soundtrack from a seller on ioffer, who transferred it to disc from the vinyl record. It sounds great! It has extended tracks, and comes with professional-looking artwork. A copy is for sale right now for $14.99, and that is the one I bought.
