
I don't understand how three high school-aged guys were able to order beer so easily at the club in Hollywood. Was the legal drinking age 18 or were liquor laws not as rigorously enforced back then?

Another point I noticed is that the three guys seem to drink quite a bit with little thought of how they're going to drive home. I've noticed that happens quite frequently in Hollywood films.


Are you kidding me or what? Dude, this is a totally mindless film that was never designed to be criticized. If you're going to watch a movie like this, you have to absolutely be willing to shut off your intellect and consciously suspend your disbelief, otherwise you will not enjoy it and end up being a jerk like Roger Ebert.

Seriously, the sort of questions you're asking are too complicated for a film of this nature. This is not to say that its not a good film. In my opinion, its a great comedy, due to the excellent casting of Carrey, as well as Cleavon Little.

But it definitely is not, by any stretch of the imagination, intelligent enough to handle any degree of criticism, serious or otherwise.


I seem to recall that at around the time of this movie (1985 or so), the federal government was pressuring states to raise their drinking ages to 21, otherwise they would lose federal funding for roads or something like that. I remember this because they raised the age in Minnesota from 18 to 21, and I missed being grandfathered into the younger drinking age by just a month or two. So it is possible that 18 could have been the drinking age in California at the time. On the other hand, its not uncommon for minors to be served alcohol by places that neglect to card them, and the movie takes places over 20 years ago, when underage drinking, alcoholism, and drunken driving and so forth were seen as less of a problem.

On the other hand, its kind of a silly (but fun, in my opinion) movie. If we accept the fact that vampires exist for the purpose of this movie, accepting 18 year olds being able to buy drinks and get home safely should be a lesser issue :)


Doesn't Jim's character say to the countess thats he's 21? but then again he is at high school. Must have been lying... ah bums

I've just confused myself lol

" Arrgghhh he's got an arm off "


See I have read and heard about possibly Virginia or some states are considering in lowering the age of drinking if you are in the military because if you are 18 years old and can vote and serve your country then I do not see the problem at all of lowering the standards of drinking.

I honestly think that by doing that then it would help out a lot and have teenagers not wanting to get into a hurry to drink at all. I remember hearing people talking about here where I live now in Wisconsin that when they were 18 that they were drinking.

Basically this movie was made to have fun with it. I do not critique movies and say they should have done this or that because it is Hollywood and whatever they want to do they can do it. Now with military films I do tend to say what they did wrong with the movie because I was in the military and just got out 2 years ago. I am now 36 years old.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


didn't matter, Countess gave Mark a ride, & the other 2 got arrested, when u talk about drunk driving.

child please
