Billie Jean!!!

Hey I'm a huge fan of the film "the legend of billie jean." It is based on true events and I was wondering if anyone could compare the true events with the film? I'm really curious to know how true are the events to the film? I'm sure some things were added for Hollywood purposes, but if anyone could give a helping hand I would greatly appreciate it!!!!

By the way I would love to see a dvd relase of this film. Just like many other teen 80s films Columbia/Tri-Star is afraid that it will not appeal to today's market. I'm not asking for a whole special edition dvd here. It would be nice to get a polished digitaly remasted film with a trailer and cast bios. It would be great to get cast interviews, and a documentary on the real Billie Jean and how the legend turned into a full lenght film.

Fair is Fair



Where did you hear it was based on a true story???

"Fair is fair!"


Peek a BOO! Who do I see? A little know what! Someone who thinks they can just post and not back themself up! billiejean1985. Yes it is tru, I am back. I was morally offended by you and your observation that you "people" can over throw other fans for Billie Jean!
Why do you think you have the right? Helen Slater is NOT for you "people" but rather for the general fanbase!
Who do you think you are? Answer me at once, or I shall loose my patience!
ALright Alright, let me start over,
I am a Helen fan. I grew up watching Supergirl and all the films therein that apply. So I keep Helen as MY own little treasure of happiness that I can lock up and be at peice with whenever I want! And to hear some one like you say that Billie Jean is a "gay" film is really offensive!
And what was with the Supergirl thing? I have spoken to a "gay" friend about the Supergirl and he said that the part about all of you taking to Supergirl was just in your little heads!

I am considering nothing less than WORLD DOMINATION!


Just how old are you, really? Do you have a real social life? My comments merely reflect my personal opinion. Also, I did not in any way attempt to "overthrow other fans" for "my people." You have some serious social issues. I just shared my own experience with my favorite movie and you try to make it all some sort of personal debate. I insist that ALL of my friends watch this movie who haven't seen it because I feel it's worthwhile for EVERYONE. I grew up watching it with my brother, and we both loved it.
It's for EVERYONE to enjoy, and my little six-year old heart just happened to also be inspired by it years ago. God forbid any of "my people", as you say, take on any of "your people" (heterosexual) as role models. Years ago thousands of men looked up to Rock Hudson and women fell in love with him. Did any of "my people" say "how dare you! He is ours!" No.
Quit being a Bushist little homophobe and accept the fact that my life and feelings really have nothing to do with you. You just want a reason to argue. Now you have, but I have finished it. Grow up.

"Fair is fair!"


fine. whatever. arguing is healthy.

I am considering nothing less than WORLD DOMINATION!


"fine. whatever."

wow ... that's a pretty clever response.

