Lyrics to 2 songs?

Does anyone know the lyrics to the songs that were playing after Mr. Pyatt was shot and Billie Jean, Binx and Putter were packing their stuff, and when Billie Jean, Binx, and Lloyd were running from the police and that valet guy? Also, what were the names of the songs?


Those songs were "Closing In" by Mark Safan and "Self Defense" by Chas Sanford, but I don't think they were ever released. I've been looking for them, but I can't even find them on vinyl.

"Your former partner flew the coop, Coop."


I have not seen this movie in years. Was the song "Great Southern Land" by Icehouse on the soundtrack to this film or am I confusing it with some other movie?


Yeah, I think you are confusing it with another movie. That song isn't listed in the credits.

"Your former partner flew the coop, Coop."
