I went to school with the real BIllie Jack
Billie Jack was based on a girl I went to grade school with named Gerturde Paste. She has since passed on to Heaven. They took some liberties with the story and changed some of the details. They also upgraded the time so it took place in this century. Also Gerturd was not very attractive, as this woman was. Gerturd stole a piece of black licorice from Panner's General Store and when her mom found out she made her go back and apologize and she worked in the store until she paid back the money that the licorice cost, which wasn't very much. As you can see the similarities are obvious and I think the Paste family should have made money from this movie but I don't think they have a TV or exist anymore.
"The man who speaks as a molester is no friend of mine" says St. Thomas Aquinas