Beginning of the movie...

Quick question, in the beginning of the movie it appeared that BJ and Binx were in a hurry to get somewhere (Binx honking the horn, BJ looking for clothes) but they only ended up getting a milk shake and going swimming... does anyone else think they were headed somewhere else? I mean, what's the hurry if that's all they were doing.


I think it was an editing goof. In the script the characters were probably going somewhere, but when the movie was edited after filming the scene wherever they were going must have been cut out.

Another possibility is that the writers were trying to set the tone of the entire movie. The movie had lots of chaos and action but hardly any mellow moments. So they may have just chosen to open the movie with its two main characters in a rush to get somewhere, because for a majority of the movie they would be rushing to get somewhere or away from somewhere.

I think it must be one of the two reasons I stated because if they were rushing to get a drink and to go swimming, it would only be because they were hot. but rushing would only make them hotter and sweatier, so that explanation doesn't work. A writer or actor would have caught this goof before or during filming and something would have been altered to have it make sense, but the fact that it wasn't leads me to believe it was intentional.

"BOOM! bazooka joe." -Randy Barry of The Real World: San Diego


You must not have had a bad childhood. Mine wasn't too bad, but it wasn't great. Anytime I was able to get away from my parents, I wanted to as soon as possible! I may not have anywhere real important to get to, but it was important that I got there quick!


Yeah and I could certainly understand wanting to get out of the trailer park as fast as possible and get somewhere to cool off.

And, it could be that the store was prone to running out of vanilla after a certain time of day so Binx might've wanted to get there before they did.


I recently thought of the same thing, but I agree it must have been an editing goof because she does tell Binx to hurry because she doesn't want to be late.

Hey, did you ever try dunking a potato chip in champagne? It's real crazy!
