Helen Slater

Helen Slater is great! It is so sad her carreer never got the treatment it deserved though. She is so underated and I mis seeing her in big movies. The last film I got of her was "Nothing in sight" and I didn't like it to much (it was a tv movie) but she looked stunning still!

The Legend Of Billie jean has so much potentional then it has ever been credited for! I have always thought that the reasdon it didn't do to well at the box office was because it was to exploisitory for the 80's mainstreme of the time. Which would explain the big cult following. Helen Slater has a bit of a camp following, have you noticed? Its pretty interesting. Supergirl is thought by many critics as having many homosexual undertones and by reputation the Legend Of Billie Jean is a big movie amonst lesbians. I hope I don't sound like a homophobic there, Im straight but I got nothing against it. I just wanted to share there what I thought was kinda interesting! lol.

The Legend Of Billie Jean truly deserves a DVD release. Whoever owns the rights to it should open there eyes and see how much indemand it is, even doing a search for it on ebay is evidence enough. The movie always sells so high!

Im lucky, lol. I asked if I could buy mine at my local video store and they said yes. Then my sister got me a copy of ebay and I bought one so cheap in a market! I got one american release, one big box british release and one standard box British release.



lol, I think Supergirl gets its gay following mainly from Faye Dunaway and did you not think Billie Jean had any lesbian under tones? First of it apeals to many feminists (many of which are lesbians themselfs), she cuts her hair short like a boy (even tho she still looks hot!) and plus all those obsessed teenage girls that copied of her. No need to get defensive dude, I'm just saying that from reviews I have read, message boards I have been on and just analysing peices of the movies that Helen Slater equally has a gay following as well as a straight one.

Like Kylie Minogue, she is a gay icon but she is drooled upon by millions (billions even) of straight guys.

I got this from a DVD reviewing site:

it is easy to see why Supergirl has now become a revered gay camp classic. Majority of the women in the film look like drag queens and spout loopy lines about female empowerment (I kept expecting Brenda Vaccaro to say "You go, girl!" at any moment.) And the by play between Helen Slater/Maureen Teefy and Faye Dunaway/brenda Vaccaro may just be some of the hottest and most subversive lesbian erotica ever on display in a mainstream film. We also get plenty of even less subtle sexual imagery, including wands, pulsating orbs and that oddly orgiastic Supergirl home planet of Argo City. There's enough subtext here to give film students pages and pages of great dissertation material for years to come..



As an "idiot lesbo" and film student I would just like to ask you what planet you truly believe you are from? Billie Jean and YES, even Supergirl, both do have a rather large percentage of lesbian fans because of their portrayal of strong and independant women. Silly as it may sound, Helen Slater's characters were role models for many of us in the younger lesbian community, and women in general. These movies are obviously a little dated, and unmistakably produced by men, who created what they thought their audiance would like to see, and if, for some, it was lesbian undertones, then so be it, as long as they put forth their money to see the movie.
I am personally insulted by your narrow-minded assumptions. btw, how old are you that you actually bring Daddy to your defense against people online who are mainly just posting out of boredom or entertainment?


This is to narnerbee. I didn't realise there were such small minded Helen Slater fans out there. I am entitled to my own oppinion but unlike you I do not do it with offense, I simply stated that Helen Slater does have a fan base of people with mixed sexual prefrences. But by reputation that The Legend Of Billie Jean happens to apeal to Lesbians and that Supergirl has a camp following. There was nothing wrong with what I said and as for what I said about the women charactors in the movie, that writing as I clearly stated in that message was taken from a DVD reviewing site. So why don't you back off!

And, what!? So lesbian's and gay people are only allowed to find other gay and lesbian people attractive? Come on! and Before you acuse or ask, I am not gay.
I know girls who find Buffy the vampire slayer hot and I know straight girls who admire her strength and beauty. It makes no difference, step outside your house and learn about the world we live in!


Thank you, Andras!

"Fair is fair!"


Helen Slater's excellent and charismatic performance is one of the key reasons this film holds up as well as it does.

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!


I loved Helen Slater in this and Supergirl.
