How would you edit this?
I've seen the Director's Cut (DC) and the American Cut (AC). Both are definitely worth seeing, but each one is missing parts I wish were in a single cut. Let's see here.
I think I'd keep almost everything from the DC and everything from the American cut that doesn't interfere.
Darkness's form (except for his hand) would not be seen until he meets Lily so his conversation with Blix would be mostly from the DC, but we'd still see an unfortunate victim getting chopped up.
The cutting off and reattachment of the yellacorn (I can't remember the correct spelling) would be shown, as well as Darkness getting stabbed with it.
I need to hear both musical scores back to back to see which tune I should use for each scene. If they clashed, I'd probably just settle on Tangerine Dream's.
Does anyone know where I can hear Oona's line, "You should see your princess now!" online? I'd like to hear it for myself and see if it's better in or left out of the movie.
Okay, so how would you edit this film?
Please remember that opinions can differ widely so let's not have any flaming.
"There is no escape, John!"