Who is the master??????

SHOW NUFF!!!!!!!

"Dude stay off the juice"


OMG great man!!! Laughed so hard. Don't even know why ahahaahaha.


I am.




LOL. And listen to Sho Nuff while he's caught in Leroy's golden glow, you can pretty clearly hear him saying "lemme go muthafugga, lemme go!"


Actually, Sho Nuff still had some of his power left, but it was flickering on and off, and he still actually manages to block one of Leroy's attacks before Leroy finishes him off.


Actually I think his power really wasn't a match for Leroy's once Leroy figured out that he was the Master. Sho Nuff wanted power to dominate others where Leroy wanted only to live peacefully and had no such ambitions as to rule over others. That purity of purpose made the difference in the level of power he could command. The old good Vs. evil argument in a different packaging. In a way the story owes something to Star Wars as well since you could see Leroy as the good Jedi (minus lightsabre) and Sho Nuff as the Sith warrior. There are similarities in some ways, and the 1st Star Wars movie and Empire strikes back came out in the late 70's early 80's so some concepts could have been 'borrowed' either intentionally or not.
