Was Sho 'Nuff dead...?

Silly question, but was Sho 'Nuff supposed to have been killed after the fight with Leroy? It's been argued that Arkadian had Rocco move the piranhas (or whatever was in the aquarium) from his apartment to the tub of water in the warehouse. So when Leroy kicked Sho 'Nuff in the tub, he was supposedly killed by those creatures. I haven't seen anything to substantiate that claim, but it would've been cool, in a morbid sort of way, had that played out.

There are no stupid comments, just stupid people...


I guess they wanted to leave that open for a sequel, which unfortunately never happened.

The Movie Wire


I think it was just a generic vat of water. Notice also how Leroy pulls him out of the water, realizing that, in Sho'nuff's unconscious state, he'd most likely drown.


Why isn't there a condolence thread for the actor who played him, Julius Carry?


No there were no deaths in this movie... I think since it was marketed towards kids and preteens...


Too bad Shogun died in real life.
