MovieChat Forums > The Last Dragon (1985) Discussion > Anyone else notice this about ShoNuff (a...

Anyone else notice this about ShoNuff (an idea for a sequel)

ShoNuff had no problems beating someone up, but whats strange about him is this. If he had been any other criminal when he would harrass people with his gang or the pizza place he would have killed the person. If you notice in all those times where he could have attempted homicide he did not do it. Remember when he was dunking Leroy's head in the water and Eddie Arcadia was saying "Drown him". Also, here is another thing when the boy in the movie theater was saying he knew who could beat him all Sho Nuff did was pick him up and scream at him, it seems that he was content with beating people up but when it involved going the extra level he just could not do it. Here is another example when Eddie Arcadia gave him money and he said he could keep his money, what was Eddie Arcadia paying Sho Nuff to do? Thats something to think about, why turn down the money?
What I would do for a sequel is show a new side to Sho Nuff. He is a criminal yes, but why in all the times where he was fully capable of doing so he did not kill anyone.


Dude, It's an 80's flick. Being very violent and bloody was not really on people minds back then.

If it aint moving, you can eat it!



Remember that Sho'Nuff was a martial artist (a thug version of one). His only concern was establishing dominance not killing.

Furthermore, the movie wasn't about killing. Name one person that was killed by anyone? Most kung fu movies don't have killing just kicking someone's butt.
