I think you don't understand the industry of cinema. They are not interested in telling the original story. They are interested in making money. And if there is no girl (and attractive, of course) they think people won't like the movie. And they are right. The sexual component is necessary, they think. Did you know, they will make "Basic Instinct 2"? and Sharon Stone has forced to have a younger screen-partner "just because that way it is funnier" she says. Of course, sex will be omnipresent again. Who cares the story? Thousands of people will go to watch Sharon's or her stunt's naked body.
Now they are going to release "I robot", based, they say, on Isaac Asimov's stories. Those were mostly detective stories where someone tried to discover the misbehaviour of a robot through the three laws of robotics. And instead of making an intelligent film they organize another action, explosions, shots, destruction, Independence-day-alike espectacle.
That's entertainment!!!!!!