Did he lose his hat?

I haven't seen this movie in a good while, but I remember he was under a train and his hat randomly falls off. First off, I was wondering if that was intentional, because if I recall correctly, we never see it again.


Yep, you remember correctly, he loses his hat (realistically it must be said) while he's crawling underneith the German troop train and you never see it again.

Since you could argue that King Solomon's Mines is somewhat of an Indiana Jones spoof as much as a rip-off, I wonder if they added the idea of him losing his hat so early on as a kind of joke since Indy never loses his hate ever, in fact they go to great lengths so show him keeping a hold of his hat - like when he grabs it from under the falling door in Temple of Doom, or when the wind blows it into his lap in the Last Crusade.

I may be a tiny chimney-sweep but I've got an enormous brush.
