better than indy 4!

nuff said.



Yes,it is! it's even better than The Last Crusade. Only the first two Indy movies are far superior than this.



Im trying to make out that Indy 4 (not the other 3) is awful! Although I do love king solomons mines..


Just watch King Solomon Mine last night.

It was dissapointed. Merely a parody of Indy. How on earth would a spoof / parody better than the original film. No way.

They could have done better for the film, considering that there was so many elements they could have put in.

National Treasure, which have some connection to King Solomon's Mine work much much better.


I hate to tell you that Crystal Skull is a SPOOF/PARODY of ITSELF!! They took our money and laughed about it! For Gods sake it had jungle "Ewoks" in it (friendly monkeys that swing and help the good guys fight Russians even though the Russians did nothing to the monkeys; and in fact it was "Jones Jr" who invaded their home...) GO LUCAS! "Indie 4" made me sick to my stomach, at least King Solomon's Mine was having fun with itself. The actors had fun making it, the kids had fun watching it; I had no fun with the new Indie and you can tell the actors didn't care about much more than money (10th biggest weekend opening ever!!). So for my vote the new "Indiana Jones box set" they will make should come with Indiana Jones 1-3 and King Solomon's Mine, leave Crystal Magic Alien Skull out of my DVD collection.


I wouldn't say this movie is better than Indiana Jones 4, but it is better than Manos, The Creeping Terror, Plan 9 from Outer Space, and possibly Baby Geniuses.




Hear hear!


I liked this movie, great fun. And I like it better than Indiana Jones 4, but that's just because the film was an awful disappointment.


Almost anything was better than Indy 4! My DVD collection was put out before this movie was made so I only have 1-3 and then made the mistake of buying the 4th. Its whereabouts is currently MIA in my apt.


That isn't really saying much though considering Indy 4 isn't even fit to be called a movie proper. It was a absurdly expensive sick, perverted, twisted joke Lucas pulled on his fans which he bares a perverse hatred for since they don't share his infantile revisions and outright rape of several of our favorite films, which now in hindsight obviously were only good to begin with despite of Lucas involvement and not because of it. The man couldn't make a good film if his life depended on it. For that he needs the right collaborators hold his hand and physically and mentally fight him and his lousy input every bit of the way and never, ever let him alone with the material or he and his gigantic ego will destroy it.


