This Film
Is completely underrated. Yes it's still not the best but it's definitely not the worst in the franchise. I hate it when people demonize this film just cuz a lot of people say it sucks. I mean think about it, when a lot of people keep telling you it sucks, all you're gonna look for is the bad in the film when you finally see it. It's just human nature. It's just human nature to most of the time be the type to believe everything you hear especially if it's before you actually experience it for yourself.
This film was clearly not amazing, BUT it was actually pretty good, despite the fact that it didn't have Corey Feldman or the "real" Jason Voorhees killing people in it. I honestly think it wouldn't have been panned a tenth as bad as it was all these years had the real Jason been the killer and not a copycat.
Danny Steinenman was a very inexperienced director when it came to horror but he was able to get the kill shots done well and the body count high. He added the 80s vibes to their highest intensity, with Violet's kill probably one of my favorites, while she's doing the robot to Pseudo Echo. Also all the thrills involved with the traditional movies in the franchise and I say traditional meaning sudden scares from silence and/or darkness, it makes for a pretty good movie. The ending was pretty cool too as well as the twist about who the copycat killer was. He deserves a director's mention because he did an even better job than Tom McLoughlin who tried too hard to be "creative" rather than keep the gore and edge in these films. I dont blame Buechler for his travesty because the MPAA screwed him big. I don't blame Hedden for his as well because the MPAA raped his film too. Part 5 though? That was the true last of the good films for the franchise. RIP Danny.