SO, it's now the 9th February and the DVD comes out in 6 days! I'm not really sure why i'm excited..i mean, i'm 25 and I really should have other things to think about but, I guess it's the fact i've been waiting a long time for it on VHS tape is seriously worn out so, it'll be a nice change i'm sure! Anyone have anymore info on what's going to be on the disc? ( Special features ) Thanks!
I live in the UK and I've ordered it from the US. They emailed me last Tuesday 8th Feb to say they'd shipped it, and ever since then I've been watching my letterbox like a hawk. Having seen Fandango about 30 times, but not at all in the last 3 years since my VCR broke, It would be impossible for me to be more excited about its imminent arrival. I just love this film so much.
I don't think there are any special features, which is a shame. It'll be good to see it in widescreen with the 5.1 sound. A massive improvement over my old videotaped version. It's going to get watched a LOT this year at my place!
Perhaps it'll be there when I get home today...
Huw Langridge
"Say, what d'yall want for breakfast. Barbeque? ... ok chilli.'
Right now, this websiste offers the Fandango DVD for $9.00, free shipping, if you choose regular U.S. mail which should come in 5-7 days. Deepdiscount is where I buy the majority of my personal dvds because they beat a lot of competitor's prices. Wal*Mart has some great deals also, but they mostly sell the more popular and/or newer films. BestBuy, in my shopping experience, is next down the line for best savings (although I bought the first X-files series at Best Buy for $46 dollars). So, I guess you just have to be a smart shopper if price is important to you. If you want Fandango DVD go get it. It's out there.
I hope this encourages a Fandango DVD purchase for you. The more we buy "Fandango" the more the studio sells and, with that, I can only hope that the studio will release a soundtrack on CD. If you buy the DVD, please let us know what the "Special Features" hold.
Does the dvd of 'Fandango' include the scene with the biker gang? This scene was in the tv network version years back but wasn't in the original theatrical release or the vhs version.