The problems with Empire and Spielberg are a tough one to nail down.
I tend to think that what's difficult with Empire is that there are
no real connections between the people in the camp. There is a hierarchy
that they follow, with the cool British demeanor of really never
allowing any warmth to come to the surface in those characters.
Most of the scenes where there's any type of humanity almost seem
to be in a dream state, where the day to day message is one for all,
each man for himself, dog eat dog, and that can start to wear on
you. At the time this was filmed, we (the US) had been living through
a long stretch of Reaganomic's which preached the same idea's, if
you worked yourself to death, in the end you will be rewarded, and
in this case it literally was "Trickle Down" in the overflowing
gifts from above. Maybe now that as society is starting to figure
out that all that was just somewhat the Hollywood story of the
American Dream at that time, it doesn't sit so well with us at
this time. I know, it's a huge stretch, but I feel that same kind
of human isolation in Empire that I see when the news is talking
about all the home foreclosures, displaced folks from Katrina, it
just wears on you... Like my post..