what a movie.
i remember the first time i tried to watch this...i was too immature and turned it off within 15 minutes. what a silly girl i was.
now older(sadly) and wiser(thankfully), i now own the VHS and loan it only to those i think might appreciate the beauty of this film.
perhaps the only time i have seen Kevin Costner and liked him.
it's strange to say but this movie brings back memories i never had (boy that does sound dumb)....see, the thing is, i knew all those guys in the car...not exactly but i had friends that remind me of those characters.....we drove around, listened to cool music and had a "devil may care" attitude with us always.
the wedding scene is my favorite, especially the stone soup quality of it.
the tree lights, the Pat Metheny was magic. It IS magic.
I probably have a much higher emotional investment in this movie than most people and that's ok.....i just hope it comes out on DVD someday....i'll celebrate with Dom.