MovieChat Forums > Fandango (1985) Discussion > In my greatest moment of transition I fo...

In my greatest moment of transition I found this movie...

As of this very moment I just finished watching Fandango. It was a movie that I had searched movie stores looking for but never could find. I just didn't want to order it off of ebay. I like the search too much for that. But this week I went to a used movie store and found this gem sitting in the action section of all places. I snatched it up right away. This week just happens to be the very week I say goodbye to all my friends. Everyone is going in there own direction. I happen to be getting married in 9 days as of writing this. And I am astounded at the timing of watching this movie about transition and moving on at the same time I have my greatest transition. Because of the moment I am in and the journey I am about to embark on no other movie could've been more perfect for me than this one. MY review...this movie is perfect. "Here's to where we were...and to where we're going."


What a wonderful coincidence ! I have seen Fandango for the first time in 1986 in Belgium and it has been one of my favourite movies since ... ( as you can tell by my Imdb name ... ). I went through a lot of trouble to find the VHS tape in the nineties ... Now I have two DVD - just to be sure 😊

I wish you lots of luck , today is your wedding day right ? I haven't looked at this message board in years ! So I hope this is a good sign for you ...

Best wishes from Hilde ( Belgium )


Yes that was my wedding day! Thanks so much for the best wishes. The wedding was amazing!! Glad to meet other fans of this amazing film!


LOVE your post and this film, especially the Pat Metheny music that accompanied this little gem of a film.

Hope the wedding was perfect and the honeymoon X rated. Thanks for your thoughts and energy ;-)


Thanks wooody!!! The wedding and honeymoon were both epic! And I totally agree with you about the music in this movie. It totally added to the tone and did not distract you from the flow at all!


I was and maybe still am Gardner. I dunno if it'll ever leave me. Hell, who would want it to? You don't stop having fun cause you get old, you get old because you stop having fun. What other movies give you this similar feel?


The greatest line in this film, "You are the MOST irresponsible person I have ever met"! response, "well, someone had to be"......


This movie is a rare and overlooked treasure. I'm glad you appreciate it
