MovieChat Forums > Explorers (1985) Discussion > Did they make an Explorers two?

Did they make an Explorers two?

At the end of the movie they show clips of what look like to me a second part to the moive. Is this true, or did they just do that to leave us haning. any way if you know please put me on the same page.



No, the filmmakers left the movie open-ended in case it was a hit, so they could make the sequel; it wasn't, they didn't.


I'd always dreamed of the sequel. Maybe the four of them drift apart but all get dreams again when they are in their twenties, and build a larger ship?


I just watched it with my husband and five kids. They're ages 2-14 and they all loved it. My husband (who was and still is gamer) couldn't believe that I had never seen it. He had waited for years, hoping for a sequel. Now that kids are more "gamer-ish" maybe they'd consider it...after all, isn't remaking and making sequels the Hollywood style right now?


It is funny that you should speak of a sequel. Although you are right, none was ever made. After I first saw the film as a kid, I had some dreams that friends and I built our own spaceship. No wacky aliens, but the dreams were potent enough to inspire me to start my own story, about the interaction of the characters and their lives on Earth and in space. Although I never finished it, I had hoped that one day I would find the time to write it all properly and turn it into a book. Sadly the idea lost its way over the years and after I saw Independence day, it took a rather sharp turn away from innocent adventure and fun, towards action, drama and loss. I hope to get it back on track though. Still should anyone see a book titled B.E.S. one day and you liked the idea of an Explorers sequel or just something along very similar lines, then you have found it.


I feel that a sequel would be a very swell part of this movie. maybe a sequel now would take up well. With all our new technologies I mean.

I hide in your closet....I hide in your basement....I hide under your bed.


This movie

And the goonies were two 80's kids movies ( that also were kind of for adults with lots of risque humor etc etc. ) that deserved sequels.


sequels are bad


This is one movie i think they should have made a squeal or even trilogy since the movie wasn't finsihed I rember when i was little i also wrote a short story on what happned after wards


Not all sequels are bad. Look at the Halloween series. Awesome The home of Freddy Krueger.


JamieTheMovieCritic: 'sequels are bad'

What he said.

Decent 80's kids flick. Nothing more. No sequel needed. Leave it alone :)


Why not make a sequel? Sure, most are bad, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be done correctly. Use the same actors (obviously not River) and have it set in present time after our 3 characters have learned the financial, global, and scientific worth of the device. Imagine them working for the government on a big project with this alien technology, and then maybe getting contact from their old alien friends and bolting with the government-paid-for ship. And you know what; don't make it a stupid kid’s movie. It was made for children when we were children, why shouldn't the story evolve with us in mind?


"And you know what; don't make it a stupid kid’s movie. It was made for children when we were children, why shouldn't the story evolve with us in mind?"

that's not how hollywood works. if you're talking about aliens and space on a movie, it has to have some kid/teen appeal nowadays.

this is one of my favourite movies from my childhood, I have fond memories of it. i'em not even a remake supporter, but this movie would make an interesting one. at least, if they (producers and directors) manage to mantain the original spirit and innocence.(something quite hard nowadays)


They should make a sequel with Christian Slater or Joacquin Phoenix in his brothers role. It could work.


My comment doesn't need to rely on how Hollywood works; it's an idealistic idea. But really what I mean is; make it as if it were still for the kids in the 80's, not for the kids of today.
