MovieChat Forums > Explorers (1985) Discussion > Trying to find another 80's kids movie

Trying to find another 80's kids movie

Maybe someone will know what movie or show this was, I remember it really freaking me out as a kid (probably would be quite silly today, I'd guess).

The few details I recall are a boy communicating with a glowing light/orb type thing. It had a weird voice that I think had some kind of effect on it, like phase or flange or something.
I remember it being in a dark house or setting, aside from the glowing light thing, of course.

I saw this on television in the 80's, I think it was a movie but possibly it was a show. Or a TV movie, even.

I realize this is precious little to go on, but I've seen similar threads dig up obscure titles with even less info.



If it was a TV show then it might have been the British television series 'Chocky'.


Solarbabies? That had a glowing orb, and Lukas Haas could communicate with it.


Great suggestions, I knew you guys wouldnt let me down. :)

It's definitely not Flight of the Navigator, I do remember that one quite well. Great childhood movie. Not as dark in tone as what I am remembering.

I think it could be Chocky, actually. Sounds like a worthwhile show to check out, regardless. I had not heard of Solarbabies, I don't think that's the one but it is the right time frame (mid-80's), so you never know.

Now I have some investigating to do. Thanks a million guys! And if anyone has any other ideas feel free to add more.


It could be 'Making Contact' aka 'Joey'.

When theres no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.
