a little homophobic

beside a few insulting slurs in the beginning, i found it sort of homophobic how one guy thought two cops would think he and the girl in the santa costume might be "a couple of gays" and he took off running! lol i actually found it pretty funny. but seriously how random!


Best part of the film, that was so funny :oD

That and the guy getting blown up at the end and the killer thinking the girl should be grateful for him allowing her to live for "a few more hours".



Don't you know that Santa Claus IS gay ?


That scene was hilarious.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


Dude, it was 1984. Get over it. I'm "gay" and found it rather randomly hilarious.

edit: and He did look like a "gay ol queen" or however they put that.
"I'm going nowhere fast... and you're not coming." -LP


If they made such "problematic" jokes in a film today people would have riots. Mostly ranting on the Internet I imagine but they still would be furious.


The film was littered with such scenes. This is quite a "random acts of whaaaa?" kind of movie.


I've always interpreted it as more of a dig at the police, and the way they were persecuting gay men at the time. Derek Ford, the writer (and briefly director) of the film had a sex film background and was a swinger in real life, so hardly seems like the type to look down on the sexual behaviour of others, plus his brother, Donald, was in fact gay.
