
Is this based on a novel?I came across one on Amazon but I an not sure if it is the book of the film.If anyone knows if it is based on a novel,pleeeeeeeease reply to my message as I don`t want to read the book if it is based on the film.


No, the book is a novelisation of the film as in the film came first then the book. I got it ages ago to relive a childhood favourite and I have to say for a kids' book, it's quite good. And it mentions a couple of scenes (such as Daryl beating up that bully in the library) that must have been shot but were deleted for some reason.

'She never stated that the stags in the books are male deers.' ~ Gracie11, IMDb troll


Actually, N.H. Kleinbaum (the author, yeesh I need to get a life) probably added those scenes to give the story a bit more depth.

Alot of movie novelizations have extra scenes added. My guess is so that you're basically not just reading the movie which you could actually just go see yourself.

Other examples of movie books that do this are: Men in Black, Home Alone's 1 and 2, Jurassic Park, and the Godzilla (98) adaptation.


Umm Jurassic Park was a book long before the movie was made.


I was referring to the book written exclusively for the movie. As in not by Michael Crichton, but by someone who adapted the script.
