
I may be taking this a bit too seriously, but I was wondering, if something like D.A.R.Y.L. was actually created, how would it/he/she experience emotions? For example, I can imagine that the emotions experienced are simply programed in to the computer in question, and are then activated when a required situation is around the computer, like if you press a key on a keyboard, that makes the given symbol appear on the screen. At least in D.A.R.Y.L.'s world, my theory is supported by this quote:

Turtle (at the lab): So, how does it feel?
Daryl: Just the same.

This leads me to believe that, while he had "amnesia" he assumed that everyone else was the same as he was (meaning they analysed everything, etc.), then when he was repaired he regained the knowlege that everyone else is different.

Any ideas on this?


well, any computer implanted in a brain would have to interact with the brain's own workings ...

how that would work, nobody knows

after all, the technical aspect of movies like that is secondary. the main aspect is: is it a person or not


Well, if you want to know how a robot reacts when it has emotions, you can see 'Artificial Intelligence' by Steven Spielberg...


I agree.

The first big thing to remember is that it wasn't a computer inside a brain. The computer was his brain.

Theoretically, if you programmed a computer with certain algorythms it could simulate something very like emotions.


this was a good movie. Nice film.

Why do people have problems with it


Because people need to ask questions. It's human nature.


I think it has to do with the and or way of computer thinking in answering a series of questions

eg Stimulant How do you feel?

Question: Is this a question?
Answer: yes
Question: Is it directed at me?
Answer: yes
Question do the look intrested (are they staring intenlty at me?)
Answer: yes
Question: Do they look concered (acces facial profile)
Answer: yes

Responce: i'm fine

Sounds alot but it would only take a few split seconds to do
