Sharing a memory

I was just looking at this profile and it sparked a memory I have of seeing D.A.R.Y.L. for the first time, which was in our town's 3-screen movie theater when I was nine years old. They had a poster giveaway if you could remember what D.A.R.Y.L. stood for. You had to find the ticket-stub tearer and tell him what D.A.R.Y.L. stood for, and if you got it right, he gave you a copy of the movie poster. I happened to able to remember it correctly and got my free poster. The poster's ultimate fate escapes me just now, but I just remembered this little memory and thought I'd share it. Giveaways and movie promo events like this are commonplace now, but back in 1985 it was a bigger deal - especially when you're nine.


My memory of first seeing it was on my father's dubbed Betamax tape collection. He bought a collection of a few hundred films from a friend who wanted to get rid of his old Beta tapes nad it included this film.


God I remember those beta's. Whew, those are ancient now.



-Goodnight, mother of six!
-Goodnight, father of two!


I saw D.A.R.Y.L. in San Francisco in the summer of '85 with my family after we arrived too late to see the movie Cocoon. I was ten years-old.


I can't remember the year precisely, but I know it was before '89 at least.. D.A.R.Y.L. came on HBO and we watched it together (odd thing for us back then), and I begged my dad to video tape it so I could watch it again. I remember ruining the tape I watched it so much, but sadly have very little recollection of the details of the movie.


i Grew up in the San Francisco Bay area in Oakland and i remember seeing D.A.R.Y.L. on KBHK 44 like in 1987 or so i was like 10 years old. I remember really liking this movie and feeling kinda sad for D.A.R.Y.L. but all i can say they don't make movie's like that anymore the 80s ruled .
