The Guardian Legend
Was wondering if anyone else played this classic Nintendo game? Well the box cover is very similar to the cover of the film. Here is what it looked like:
One day while in a mom-n-pop video rental store I saw Creature, and figured it might be somehow related to the game. So we rented it, and absolutely hated it. I must have only been 12 or 13 at the time. The poster on imdb is a little different, but this is what I saw in the store:
If you ask me, I think that cover is money!
Well, I guess I must see this movie again. I remember it being extremely slow. And not very scifi-ish. And I remember looking more for stuff that had extraterrestrial or synthetic environments. Takes place all on earth doesn't it? Slow doesn't really mean bad film. Both Alien and 2001 are very slow films, but their executions are great! Anyway, let me know if anyone else was suckered into this film because of that game!
I am reality.