Matrix was "WRONG"!
Val Verde was a veritable PARADISE under His Excellency President Arius.
It's was clean, safe, orderly, the trains ran on time, fabulous schools and hospitals, etc. The economy was BOOMING, new buildings and modern infrastructure going up everywhere. It could have been the Singapore of South America.
Sure, a heavy hand was needed on occasion to keep dissidents and criminals in line but, as Arius himself wisely observed, "Val a country that needs a president who has an understanding of discipline".
Velásquez and his rag-tag bunch of lefty banditos had been driven into the mountains and were on the brink of defeat.
Then Matrix sticks his nose in where it doesn't belong and destroys everything!
You should see the pitiable state Val Verde is in today, it would make you weep, WEEP!
Velásquez's policies have left the country completely bankrupt, while he and his unbelievably corrupt inner circle have become obscenely wealthy.
The old bastard is still there, his hold on power as firm as ever, "legitimised" by sham elections in which his "Democratic People's Party" has never won less than 95% of the vote! His degenerate son Jorgito is set to succeed him when he finally croaks - a further catastrophe for Val Verde!
R.I.P. President Arius. Patriot, statesman, and martyr. :(