The book

Think of how much richer, more splendid and magnificent a movie this could have been had Spielberg stayed true to the book.


I haven't read the book, but I really can't imagine the movie being any better. It's a wonderful story and the actors were superb.


And just to mix things up... I found the play to be the most mesmerizing. But i know it doesn't do the story justice.


I felt Spielberg did a great job bringing the book to the screen.... overall I thought the movie was more emotionally impactful than the book.

The book went into greater detail of the emotional and sexual relationship between Celie and Shug which the movie glossed over to an extent, a richer more complex African missionary journey for Nettie- it felt smaller and camp in the movie, a lengthy pants storyline in the book that was trimmed down in the movie and smaller characters such as Squeak was fleshed out more. The reconciliation between Albert and Celie in the book was better, but the end chapter felt rushed and flat at the reunion with Celie and Nettie as opposed in the movie where it was highly emotional.
